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Bitcomet can't detect media files


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This is a problem with the browser being incompatible with the bitcomet video downloader. I realize it may not have been a good plan to release Cometbird 7 until a bitomet update for firefox/cometbird was released, but they really are two separate products, so they get updated by their own respective development teams.

At this point, you can either wait until a bitcomet update is released, or revert back to a prior version of cometbird.

If you don't use firefox, you can always install a prior version of it, and use it for your video downloads until bitcomet is updated.

In the future, it's wise to wait before updating to a major new release of firefox/cometbird, as the extensions often won't work until their publishers have time to develop updates, and considering this work is all done without profit, we just have to wait until the team has the time to do it.

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