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Peerless/seedless files


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I've been searching for a torrent for some old music from about 25 years ago. It shows up on the search results, but never has any seeds. It had one yesterday for a couple of hours, with a slow download speed of about 20kb/s. I got 8.9% of the file. Then it went dead - I guess he turned off his computer or something. Should I just leave the task running, in the hopes that someone will have it available? The status is "connecting" and everything else is just "0".

Thanks for all that you do.

Edited by Osmigo (see edit history)
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You can go to the trackers website/forum and request a reseed, you can also add the emule plugin, and hope the files can be found on that network. Otherwise, it will only download if/when peer/s return.

Your best option would be to find another source, but there is little harm in trying, so why not leave it run for a few weeks and hope.

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