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Resuming broken http downloads

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Hello! I would like to know how to resume a partial http file download (when the partial file is present and the task is newly being added). I tried using .bc extensions,but it starts a new download into a renamed file. What I need is bitcomet to check if the file is already present and try to determine if it is complete. If not continue the remaining.

Edited by Anupam_R_K (see edit history)
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You can resume download of an http task only if the server allows this. This has been a problem ever since http was first used and software engineers have found several ways around this problem, one of the more innovative solutions was bittorrent protocol, it breaks the file into many small pieces so you can stop and start the download as often as you like. On a traditional http task once the connection is broken the entire download must be repeated.

If you look on the task properties it should say if resume is supported.

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