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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

Perfectly Balanced!


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People of earth, I have come to ask you to do a few things, unless you want me to snap my fingers.

1. Be kind to one another. You see a stranger in need of help, try helping. You see a policeman murdering a black man, don't keep quiet. Protest, don't start riots.

2. Wear masks and keep safe distance from people for a while. If you really want to die, then come to me. I'll make it quick, but painful.

3. Most of your population resides in your northern hemisphere. It's summer time! Keep yourself hydrated. For the ones living in south, dehydration doesn't always need summer. Drink water.

4. Get yourself and your kids vaccinated. Again, if you want to die, I'm here for you.

5. Somebody tell me why can I not download when LT seeds are available?




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