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file larger than 4 GB on fat 32?

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No, you can't. The file system won't permit a single file larger than that. Your only option is to convert your file system to NTFS. This must be done on another partition. There is an NTFS ultility for Win98, and it does work, but the Windows bootloader must be on a filesystem that the windows version can natively read. That means, for Win98, that it must be FAT32 or FAT16. Once it's booted, then it can load the NTFS utility and read/write NTFS, but it has to load before it can do that.

The need to upgrade to Win2K is upon you. Sorry. I resisted for a very long time myself, but now you gotta do it.

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can i download files larger than 4 Gb on the Fat32 partitions?the download is starting and is stopping after 20,30 percents.What can i do?Thanks!

You're going to have to upgrade, I waited until XP SP-2 came out before I Upgraded. I had to since I wanted to edit/repair/copy my DVDs (ones I bought legally :P ). Just go to XP, I run it on my old 400mhz P2 and my sister's 233mhz Pentium just fine. Or you can wait for Vista. B)

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