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What happened to my files?

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Hey guys,

I've been downloading Arrested Development, with a series of files. And I had set one file to high priority, and it got to 99.4%, then the rest of the files in the series were downloading. I wanted to finish this one episode quickly, so I disabled the rest of the files I had downloaded (about 800mb worth), so when my file finished, I wanted to resume the rest of them, only for them to start from 0%. I had downloaded over 1gb..

Is there any way to resume them from their previous size?

Thanks in advance

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basically you asked your client to delete the current progress on the episodes you unchecked.

although by deleting, the information will still be there, but your o/s has no record of where the data is. It is possible to recover, but it would be much more work then to simply download again, and remember thats a bad idea and not do it again.

If the data could not be replaced, then I would recommend removing hard drive, and installing it in another computer to recover. Or there are some recovery programs you can run from a bootable cdrom, but as I mentioned, there is no point to this since you can just download it again.


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Same thing happened to me when downlaoding the whole of lost season 1. I was at about 85% 4 all epsiodfes but disabled them apart from the first episode so i cud download that and watch that first b4 a get the rest. But when I enabled the rest again, they were all at 0!!!! Please can you tell me hjow to get them back up to the previous pecentages as it was like 7gb and weeks worth!!! I still have the bitcomet incomplet files of the episodes (.bc extension files)

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You deleted those files, then make new incomplete files to replace them.

Recovering deleted files is possible, but you may have to remove your hard drive and install it in another computer to properly scan for them, and if you are currently using that computer, then you are slowly overwriting those files, so you less and less will be recoverable.

Selecting files in a torrent is not a function of normal bit torrent protocall, but rather an advacned feature that Bit Comet and a few other clients have added.

When used properly, it is usefull, but please learn its function before you go enabling and disableing during a download.

If you wanted the first episode to finish first, you could hae set its priority higher then the rest, but instead you deleted all the other files, so I suggest you just consider this a learning expirence, and redownload them.

However, if you were saving the files to a second harddrive, or a different partition on your primary drive, it might be easier to recover them, but I would not spend the time to do this unless the data could not be replaced.


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