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screwed up settings?

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:angry: I have a cable modem with supposedly a capability to reach download speeds of 5.5Mbps. I have BitComet 0.73 and several other

P2P filesharing programs which I use. I don't believe I use a router (not entirely sure though) and I used to use Limewire Pro until I found BitComet and enjoyed the interface/concept. Now when I was using Lime wire in the beginning I used to reach DL speeds up to 500Kbps but over time it started to wither away and now, no matter what program I use I can't seem to get past 20kbps if I'm lucky. I

think my configuration settings somewhere are screwed up but I can't figure out where and how to fix it. I also use McAfee SecurityCenter for my firewall but I tried turning it off still to no avail. I tried ruinning TCPoptimizer but I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing or if it even did anything. Can somebody PLEASE help walk me though finding the problem and ficing it so that I can get my moneys worth for the "high speed" internet that I pay monthly for?

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This means the people seeding this torrent have a lot of bandwidth.

The main reason some torrents are slow is that too many people think its ok to run several torrents at the same time, so you get an upload speed that is already low, then divide it among several torrents, and everyone your connected to suffers. They would be better off if you weren't uploading at all.

You are not likely to see speeds like that from standard p2p, but most linux distributions will give speeds comparible to this.


ps. your system is sound, but you may want to make small changes, but don't expect a changed setting to make a difference right away. Most expirenced users never "finish" their settings and are constantly adjusting, tweaking and such.

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Bit torrent is the best filesharing protocalls in my opinion.

and Bit Comet is certainly one of the best clients.

There are faster options, many newsgroups, file host sites and such, but you won't find the varity, and if they do offer a "free" service, it will be extremely limited if you don't upgrade to their paid service.


ps. Linux is an opensource unix operating system, far superior to windows in speed and relyability, and all programs for it are free. However I must mention, if you have to ask what it is, then its not for you. Perhaps if you study computers for a few years, then you might want to switch.

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