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Cant Get Seed


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I cant get seeds. I only get a few seeds from local and no remote seeds. Anyone know what's wrong i'm connected through a rounter i didnt have this problem until i reformated my computer. Before i cant get seed because of UPNP or something.

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This means your router is not upnp compatible, or it is not enabled.

I recomend users don't use uPnP anyway, its much more relyable to manually configure you ports.

If you go to portforward.com, they have guides for most routers, including pictures. I also recommend you set a static IP address in windows (they have guide for that too).

Then turn off uPnP in bit comet.


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the ONLY thing uPnP does is configure your ports in your router.

Turn OFF uPnP in bit comet.

This is all you have to do.


ps. you might want to go here to test if your listening port is configured properly http://www.canyouseeme.org/

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Then you do not have this port forwarded in your router, or if you did, then it could be that your ip address has changed, which is why I suggested you set a static IP address...

If you go to portforward.com, they have guides for most routers, including pictures. I also recommend you set a static IP address in windows (they have guide for that too).

When your router is properly configured, this site will be able to see your listening port.


ps. this is what you should see

Success: I can see your service on 12.345.678.90 on port (55555)

Your ISP is not blocking port 55555

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I'm getting a bit tired of repeating myself, so PLEASE READ this...

the ONLY thing uPnP does is configure your ports in your router.

Turn OFF uPnP in bit comet.

This is all you have to do.


ps. you might want to go here to test if your listening port is configured properly http://www.canyouseeme.org/

I've now told you at least three times, EITHER use port forwarding OR uPnP. Port forwarding is far better and more relyable, and your router is NOT compatible with uPnP, so DISABLE this function in bit comet.

Now, if you properly forwarded your port, then it will be listed as open at canyouseeme.org. If it is not, then either you did something wrong, or something is conflicting with that port, so select another.


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I'm getting a bit tired of repeating myself, so PLEASE READ this...

I've now told you at least three times, EITHER use port forwarding OR uPnP. Port forwarding is far better and more relyable, and your router is NOT compatible with uPnP, so DISABLE this function in bit comet.

Now, if you properly forwarded your port, then it will be listed as open at canyouseeme.org. If it is not, then either you did something wrong, or something is conflicting with that port, so select another.


I did turn off the UPnP in bitcomet before i go portforward.com to config my rounter, but it still didnt work. :( is there something i need to do?

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