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normal speed?


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Hello i just downloaded bitcomet and am downloading some music that is around 120 Mb in size. i have comcast high speed internet hooked up wired through my router. my speed is 13 kb/s is this a bad speed? if it is could i speed it up by forwording my router port or how? to me this seems slow.

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um ok so i looked around and i found the settings guide and i looked at it i forworded my port for bitcomet and i looked at my peers and they are still all local. i shut off windows firewall and they are still all local. i would also ask if someone could help me do some things on the setting guide cause i dont kno which of those steps to do or how to do them. if someone had like AIM or msn or xfire that would be great. i beg for help

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I suggest you test your listening port at...


If it doesn't test as open, then you have not properly forwarded your port. You should also set a static IP address in windows for all computers on your lan, otherwise you might have to change your router settings each time you reboot. Portforward.com has guides with pictures, and can be far more help then I could be since I don't have the same router you have.


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