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uploading while downloading?

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I'm a new member, so forgive a naive question: When I'm doing an upload and can see the upload speed and file size that's going INTO my PC, what is the significance of the, "UPLOAD" set of data?...I'm hoping that it doesn't mean that uploads to the net are being done FROM my PC? Thanks :-)

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That is EXACTLY what it means.

You are part of a vast network, both recieving and sending little parts to and from many other peers.

This is how bit torrent works, you can read more here...


This is by far the best method of sharing files that exsists, but if you perfer to just download, then join a paid service that does such, as the free ones are quite limited, and/or will infect you with addware/spyware.


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I'm a new member, so forgive a naive question: When I'm doing an upload and can see the upload speed and file size that's going INTO my PC, what is the significance of the, "UPLOAD" set of data?...I'm hoping that it doesn't mean that uploads to the net are being done FROM my PC? Thanks :-)

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