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Stupied bug in all bitcomet version


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your post doesn't make sense.

Total size is 1.80gb, 45.5% of that is about 820mb.

1.80gb x 80% would be 1.44gb

It is sometimes normal to download 880mb and only showing percentage equal to downloads of 820mb. This could be because of pieces that failed hash check, or duplicate data recieved.

I cannot see any errors in the figures you posted.


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you calc wrong because 1.80 GB=1104 MB

No, 1.80 Gb=1104 MB. 1.80 GB=1800 MB. Lowercase "b" means gigabit, 1 Gb=125 MB. Uppercase "B" means gigabyte, 1 GB=1000 MB. Bitcomet measures in GB, not Gb, so the percentage is correct. You'd only use Gb if you were referring to transfer rate, not for the size of a file. File size is always listed in GB.

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