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connection problem


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I was using bitcomet since last year without any problem. However since last week, I've experienced some connection issue. My bircomet 0.63 have some difficulty in connect to other peer. The maximum number of peer I can connect is around 30. My upload speed always drop to 2-3kbps even I've set it to 40kbps. I didn't change anything in the meantime. Can anyone help.


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Are you using a router? and have you forwarded your listening port properly?

If so, I suggest you double check to be sure your port is open at canyouseeme.org.

Otherwise have you checked that this is the case with all torrents?

if there are not alot of peers requesting data, then you won't be uploading much, so I suggest you be sure its your problem, not the torrents.


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No, I am not using a router, I am using a modem instead.

I've double check at canyouseeme.org and it report my port is actually open.

My problem is whenever my upload speed drop, so do my download speed. These actually happen to all torrent. All of the torrents I download have more than 100 seeder and 3000 peers.

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It is possible that your isp is throttling B/T traffic.

I suggest you enable protocall encryption if you havn't already.

If they are using some of the newly developed detection software, it might be hard to stop the throttling until a new encryption is developed.


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