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Max Leechers?


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I have an 8 MEG broadband connection and am capable of getting 900kbs+ downloads from the web. However, I'm lucky if I get above 30kbs with BitComet. I've gone through the settings several times, but just can't seem to get a better connection.

One thing I have noticed is that regardless of how many leechers there are, I only connect to a maximum of 55. And I don't think I've ever connected to more than 12 Peers either although I don't exepct that many peers to be available. So for example, a typical download might look like this...


Is 55 the limit, or have I done something wrong??

I'd really appreciate any help or suggestions to anything I may have missed.

Thanks very much in advance!

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First, off, the units are different - like feet vs inches, or klicks vs miles. Your broadband provider is selling you bits. Most internet applications including BitComet, measure Bytes. 8 b = 1 B so your 900 Kb/s translates to 112.50 KB/s.

You can change the number of connections that BitComet will make, but it can only connect to as many peers as the tracker gives it. You're generally better off leaving the connections set to AUTO, and letting BC manage its own network. It does a better job than you can.

Your problems are likely to be elsewhere. Go over the settings guide again, paying particular attention to your listen port, and to your global maximum upload speed. Those are where most people get it wrong.

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Sorry, it should be 900KB/s according to my ISP. Realistically, I'm told I should easily be able to get 500+KB/s.

I've setup my port forwarding and gone through the settings guide several times. My global max upload rate is set to auto (as suggested in the settings guide).

Was I right in assuming my limit of 55 peers (leechers) is wrong, or does everyone have that restriction?? I wonder if I'm not getting fast speeds because it's only connecting to a small number of people? Views??

I can download at 500+KB/s from the web, so it must be possible to get faster downloads?

Also, I believe my max upload is in the Region of 45KB/s and it seems to do that ok. So I'm not getting close to a decent download speed, yet my upload speed is at it's max. If I lower it then it doesn't seem to make much difference??

Really appreciate any advice anyone can give!

Many thanks!!

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I am having the same problem for this downloading.

KB/s Dn--KB/s Up--Time Left--Seed/Peer[all]--U/D Ratio--Health----Status--------Priority


The problem is that some other downloading I can get max peers that mean instead of 51peers I get 100 peers which I have set as max. and downloading speed can reach 110kB/s.

Why such a big difference in the downloading speed and the max peers?

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I've setup my port forwarding and gone through the settings guide several times. My global max upload rate is set to auto (as suggested in the settings guide).


Also, I believe my max upload is in the Region of 45KB/s and it seems to do that ok. So I'm not getting close to a decent download speed, yet my upload speed is at it's max.

The global max upload rate has no "auto" option; it does have a "no limit" option, but you do not want to use this. You need to cap your uploads. If you say that your max upload is around 45KB/s then you should try capping at 36 KB/s. Maybe you should go through the settings guide again carefully

And both of you, silverl and HappyKat, those torrent you posted are both horribly seeded so no matter what you do they will be slow.

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Hi bitdave,

Just do not understand what you mean those torrent you posted are both horribly seeded so no matter what you do they will be slow.

Some time Seed/Peer do increase to 70+ and the KB/s Dn up to 25+.

What I do not understand why sometime okay and some time very bad.

Now is worst.

KB/s Dn--KB/s Up--Time Left--Seed/Peer[all]--U/D Ratio--Health----Status--------Priority


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