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PPoe vs PPoa.What's better with bitcomet?


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You probably mean PPPOE and PPPOA. The first means Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet and the other -Over ATM.

This is not a setting and thus not related to BitComet. It's a protocol how you are connected to your Internet Service Provider. There is no choice in it.


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The simple answer is "no".

The more complex answer is that you cannot choose one or the other on your network connection -- you have to conform to what your ISP provides or your connection will fail. If you were choosing between one ISP or another, with this as the only difference between them, you would not experience a speed difference just on that basis.

Your speed is mostly determined by the composition of the swarm for that torrent at that moment, and by various network interactions and latencies. That part is the huge, overwhelming portion of your connectivity. All of the rest is the tiny, miniscule fractional difference. There just isn't much you can do that is worth doing about the 0.5% of the question that you can affect. It's the 99.5% you can't affect that could make any noticeable difference in your speed.

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