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Downloads stopping at 99%


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i noticed a similar topic on this but with no info my downloads are stopping at 99 % and usual suspect mentioned somthing that might be wrong can you help? i am using a wireless router. ... a 2 wire to be exact anyone that could help me would be appreciated. thanks. Joe

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If your router has a "gaming mode", try disabling it.

Some routers will rewrite external IP addresses to match internal (lan) IP address on packets of data incoming. Normally this is no problem, but if your external IP address sequence just happens to occur in the data, (something that seems to happen once in every 4-5 gb, this will make that piece of data unusable to your client, and you will continue to redownload that piece over, and over and over.

If this is the case, your rubbish data will be slowly increasing, and your download will be almost complete.

Another way to get it to finish is to bypass your router, and connect direct to your modem.


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