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Why do they hate us?


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How to upload with Bitcomet-DON'T. That's what I get at private Trackers.I don't get it?My ratio is high at all of my private sites.Yet whenever my client of choice name is mentioned, I all but get the bum's rush :angry:and told to get a real client.In my profiles I would hide my client just to avoid being the object of hate. It got soooo bad that I switched to the reeeaaal client that start's with a U.It was o.k, but no Bitcomet.Bitcomet just felt like home so I came back.But I still need to know ,WHY DO THEY HATE US?

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This is the exact reason I am here.

Bit comet did nothing to deserver all the rumors and lies that are spread about it.

Here is how it started. A new technology was being developed, called "dht" (distributed hash table). Since it was not part of bit torrent protocol, there were no "rules" to follow, and bit comet was among the first to include it in our client.

On two very old versions of bit comet, some hackers figured out how to force it to enable itself even on torrents that do not permit it (private torrents).

This problem was quickly corrected.

However, the rumors were just starting. I have heard them all, and even believed some of them (at first). The facts are that bit comet follows the same rules as all bit torrent clients, and it is NOT a "leech tool", it doesn't "spam the tracker", it doesn't "report false data to the tracker", or what ever they will come up with next...

Regarding Utorrent (there is no rule against discussing other torrent clients here), it is a fine program, and if all you want to do is run torrents in the background, then I would recommend it. I sometimes use it myself. It however has none of the advanced feathers that bit comet offers, and the only one that I know of that can come close is Azureus, which I too have used, but it uses WAY too much memory (over 100megs of ram, without a lot of the add ons).

The facts are that Bit comet is a very good client, and now with all the additions features, like streaming video capture, http and ftp downloading, along with all the other features, there isn't anything to compare with it.


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Thnx 4 the guick answer.I agree Bitcomet kicks a$$,It's the best one i've used but I also think that Bitcomet is a client that newbies start off with.They only read the forum when they can't open a file or their d/l speed's are slow, and then they figure out their seeding responsibilities by accident.By then it's to late to catch up so they just switch clients and we're left looking like leechers.When i d/l a torrent i check the peers and most of the best seeders are Bitcomet but i still feel like i'm being profiled.My ratio is 2.7 or better at Demonoid IpodNova and several others.But now i see i had it all wrong.I'm puttin Bitcomet back in my profile and they can see this so called leech in action.What do you think we can do as a community to turn this thing around?

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I have been spending a few hours a day here doing just that.

I have also made posts in several forums where I felt my opinion would be valued.

One thing that is hard to recover from is a reputation, even one that is for the most part undeserved.

The fact is that people will believe what they want. If you belong to any private trackers, you can ask them to reconsider bit comet.


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