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Reactivating disabled tasks????

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Hi there

I have been downloading a rather large set of files for the past two weeks. I decided to disable(read pause) some of the files by setting the priority to disabled in the files tab so I could get the rest of them to finish quicker.

the whole task is around 8.5GBs and it was around 88% done. but when I set the priority back to normal they all start from 0% again and that can take another couple of weeks. I just want to continue downloading those files from where I left off. how can I get bitcomet to do that.

I'm using bitcomet v0.7 on Windows XP SP2

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If you want certain files to finish first, you can set their priority higher.

DO NOT disable a file unless you want it deleted.

Selecting files within a torrent is a nice feature, but if you select "disable" then your client will delete any data that belongs in that file.


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Hi Suspect

I apereciate the reply. Will not disable downloads in the future. although it could be a useful feature for the future releases.

The interesting thing is that the banned files are still playable with VLC except for the portions which were not downloaded yet. so it seems that Bitcomet is just overwriting all the data now. As the files are quite large I wonder if there is anyway of making Bitcomet clock up the old data and download the rest. otherwise there goes another TWO WEEKS. PLEASE HELP :(


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You could try to Rehash the files, but I don't think that will work.

Basically, deleted files are still on your harddrive, just the path to the data is erased. There is quite a few data recovery programs that could recover the data for you, but this is not something for a novice to attempt.

If you want to do this, "ontrack easy recovery professional" is one of the best (in my opinion).

However, to do this properly, you can not recover files from the same partition that your operating system is using. For most people this means removing the hard drive, and installing it in another computer. If your files are saved to a different harddrive or partition, then that is not a problem.

Also, everytime you use your computer, more and more of the data could be lost.

Regarding "rehash", when you enabled the files again, a new "placeholder" file was created, and its not likely that it will select the exact same sectors of the hard drive to save the data, so this is a longshot.

Another option is a bootable cdrom recovery program. There are some of these about, infact I have a couple I downloaded, but never tried one. This would be the only way to recover files from your C drive without booting from it.

If you are successful in recovering the files, please post the procedure you used in our guides and how to section, as we get others that do this from time to time.

Concerning adding an "undelete" to our client, it would be nice, but our developers are quite busy working on the new client, so I don't think this will be a priority.

I will however suggest a WARNING screen when files are disabled, as this should stop people from deleting files like this.


ps. keep in mind that selecting files within a torrent is not a perfect science, and adding files to be downloaded sometimes will make complete files change to incomplete (if they share pieces).

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Hi Suspect

I don't think I did a very good job of explaining the problem. the place holder files are still there. and they seem to be intact I can play them using VLC player but there are certain portions of the file that are missing. my guess is that they are the bits that were still to be donwloaded. so you see I just need to get Bitcomet to fill in the gaps. the remaining 10 percent. how can I get bitcomet to do that?

Cheers Buddy


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Normally when you disable a file in the torrent, the "place holder" file is deleted. Then if you enable the file again, a new "place holder" file is made. When you do a manual rehash, it will look for complete pieces of data within that file. Any pieces are are 100% complete, will then be registered as completed. Keep in mind that one Byte missing in a piece will require that that entire piece is redownloaded.

As I stated in my second reply "You could try to Rehash the files", a manual rehash WILL register any of the data that is within these files.

"right click" then select "manual rehash" (you must first stop torrent).

This MAY recover some of the data, or none at all, but is worth a try. It will also take a while, since this is a very large torrent.


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It worked! amazing. nice one Suspect. Thank you. all the progress indicators are back to where they were before. we'll have to wait a while longer for the whole thing to finish downloading to see if there are any bits that ended up being corrupted. I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks for you help mate. it's much appreciated.

may I suggest we put this on the FAQ. I couldn't find anything relevant last night.


cheers mate


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I'd just like to add,in simple terms,

If you disable a certain file from downloading,then later re-start it your client may start this file again from scratch,so you may have two identical files within the folder.One your original and two a fresh re-start.

A re-hash seems to have sorted your download problem but I would check for duplicate files,to save problems if you come to burning them.

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Honestly, I think you got lucky. Meaning that your client was able to use the same sectors of the hard drive to recreate the files. re enabling disabled files is not something we can tell people to expect to be successful.

Regarding any of the data being corrupt, the rehash will delete any pieces that are not intact, so this should not be a problem.

However, I do recommend that members set their client to do a final hash check upon completion. This will catch any pieces that were damaged during the process (bad harddrive sectors, power surges or other issues could cause this)

I'm glad we were able to help.


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