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Upload speed = 0KBs when Seeding

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Good Day All,

I am trying to seed a torrent. I believe the torrent has been created properly because Bitcomet shows it active with the orange up arrow and I have been watching peer count slowly rise. Despite peers trying to connect the UL speed reads 0.

The torrent has been active to about 30 minutes now and I still show a total of 0KB transferred. Is this a connection problem?

I have another torrent on DL with 6KB down and 13 KB up.

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If you have the complete files in the proper location, upon starting the torrent, it should have begun to scan (hash, or rehash) the files.

They should now read 100% complete, if they do not, then you did something wrong. You can try a manual rehash, but if it still reads 0% complete, then your files are in the wrong location.


ps. I am going to change your user name, to remove the "@hotmail.com". I'm not accusing you of advertising, but we don't allow such names as most people that use such names are trying to advertise something.

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if they are at 100%, then you should be seeding.

If you have other torrents running, then stop them.

If you are releasing a torrent, you should always provide ALL your upload towards it until some of the peers can take over the seeding.

Depending on the version of BitComet you are using, it may set priority to low for seeding tasks, so you would want to change that to the highest.


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