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Can't open file

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I've been using bitcomet (and other torrent clients) for some time, and I've never had any problems. However I recently downloaded a pile of long audio and text files. The problem is that bitcomet says that the download is 100% completed, but when I try to open the file it says that they are incomplete. When I go to the folder where the file is, it has a .bc! extention, indicating that it is incomplete.

I've never had this problem before, and I must have downloaded 100's of GB's with bitcomet.

Does anyone know what's wrong? Is there a way to get rid of the .bc! extention?


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Same thing happened to me - with the first torrent I've managed to download. And it's still downloading the file despite having downloaded (and uploaded) far more than the file's listed size! (1.66MB D/L and 1.49MB U/L compared to 1.07MB file size)

What gives??? :huh:

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Hi there.

To Melleril_Magic:

That's really strange... Here is what I think:

"bitcomet says that the download is 100% completed" means you've downloaded 100% of files that you have currently selected to be downloaded. Then incomplete files may be the ones partially downloaded and then banned for downloading. To ensure you have 100% stop the task and do "Manual Hash Check".

Let's assume you again get 100%. Then try to manually rename .bc! files (on stopped torrent, of course; you must have file extension showing enabled in Windows Explorer). If they're renamed, "Manual Hash Check" again ("just in case") and enjoy :)

If not, then the problem is in your system, not in BitComet (maybe these files are being accessed by another program - reboot your system then - or there are errors in your filesystem - scandisk for them. Check your free space too).

To delphidb96:

That's not quite the "Same thing happened to me". Everyone's clients receive corrupted pieces of torrents eventually. Then they throw them off and redownload them anew. That's OK, you shouldn't be worried. Check any torrent client's FAQ for this.

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Hi there.

Well, (assuming that renamed files pass manual hash check) looks like you've got what you had been intended to get :)

Then the problem is either with your player or with these files... (or both %) )As I have no specific info on them to speak of, here are some general things to try:

- Find files with same extension and try to play them with your player to see if it can handle this format.

- Use another player (Winamp can play almost anything you can think of) on these files and your suspectible ones.

- Find some info on this format (visit FILExt and check your extension there) to find suitable software.

- Check your torrent's comment(-s) (within it and on its web page) and ask for advice there.

*added*: you may be able to find other places for this torrent to download it from that may have comments. Just google for your torrent's hash ("Summary" - "InfoHash").

If nothing of above helps, consider this to be bad torrent and wipe this crap out of your HDD (warn everyone who might download this after you and report this on web site you've got it from). You'll be more lucky next time for sure.

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Thnx const2k.

I've tried winamp and got one mp3 file file working (a small one 30MB), but the others (100MB+) will not work even after I've renamed them to get rid of the .bc! extension. The only features of the files that are in common are:

1. for all but one I used the demonoid tracker

2.I downloaded into a folder I made up rather than the bitcomet/downloads folder

I feel like starting over, but its about 2GB's worth of files and I dont want to delete them if I can avoid it. Its the first time I've had any substantial trouble at all with downloads using bitcomet.

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  • 1 year later...


I'm not sure if my issue is really the same, but almost.. so I thought that I could reply it in this thread. Tell me if I'm wrong.

I've downloaded three different torrents and the result is also the same for all of them. It says they are finished and all but when I try to open the folder it says:

"(name of file) is referring to a place that is not avaiable. It could be a harddrive on this computer or on a network. Control that the disc is correctly connected and that the computer is connected to internet or the network. Then, try again. If the place is still not found it could be that the information has been removed to another place."

please, help me solve this problem.

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We call this "necroposting", adding a new message to a thread that's been inactive for so very long, in this case more than a year. You should avoid doing that. Instead you should post a new message starting your own thread.

When you "try to open the folder", precisely what do you do? In detail?

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yes, you're right. Next time I have a problem I will start a new thread. ^^ sorry

I go into bitcomet. I right click the download (when it's finished) and click open.. I have tried several ways with the same results. I mark the download and click open folder in the top bar of bitcomet.

I have tried to use different verions of bitcomet and I am right now using 70.0

I have reinstalled it several times.

I don't think that this information might be very useful to you but I nevertheless hope that you please, can help me solve the problem.

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doing it that way often fails as BitComet tries to intermediate. It's a bug, yes, but not a really serious one. Instead use Windows Explorer to navigate to your downloads directory, and open the file from there.

How the file opens will depend on your system associations - which application if any is registered to handle that sort of file. When you put Bitcomet in the middle of that it often fails. Better to open it at least somewhat more directly without involving BitComet, after the download is complete.

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