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DHT network help

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I added DHT network as a backup tracker, but there is a 20 minute timer before the DHT network will start finding peers. I have set DHT network to connect after 1 minute in the "advanced preferences tab" but there is still a 20 minute timer when I start bitcomet. Is there a way to get around waiting 20 minutes waiting time?

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If I understand correctly, you're talking about the time between DHT updates after a torrent is running. You can't change that and don't need to -- the network status simply doesn't change all that much in 20 minutes so you aren't missing out on a lot of additional peers. You've also probably already got a full slate of them, and won't necessarily actually trade with the new ones -- only if they're more efficient than the ones you've got.

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I added DHT network as a backup tracker, but there is a 20 minute timer before the DHT network will start finding peers.

Actually, these 20 min is how much time left until NEXT check (this column is timeout for trackers other than DHT to respond). If you really want, you can "Manual Connect" this task - this will connect you to all trackers including DHT (if enabled and your task isn't "Private" flagged torrent); manual connecting for too often won't give you more peers, just increase load of trackers (this is what they call "hammering"). Overloaded tracker goes down and no one can use it for a period of time (this is when "Can't Connect Tracker..." error occurs, so be aware of what you do).

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