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psp iso help!!!!!


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help i downladed an is for my psp and when i opend the file it was a bunch of rar files that said psy-lemgs.r00, psy-lemgs.r01, psy-lemgs.r02...etc how do i get an iso out of this is there a certain thing i have to do to join these files???? please someone help!!!!

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help i downladed an is for my psp and when i opend the file it was a bunch of rar files that said psy-lemgs.r00, psy-lemgs.r01, psy-lemgs.r02...etc how do i get an iso out of this is there a certain thing i have to do to join these files???? please someone help!!!!

us win rar to extract

google it if you don't have it or go to my blog http://my.opera.com/caf4926/blog/show.dml/75377

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