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[New] BitComet Beta [20111107] has been released


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Dear all,

The latest Beta version of BitComet has just been released, you're all welcomed to download it HERE.


Beta [20111107]

GUI Improved: cleaned up and improved a lot of code, reduce program size

GUI Improved: add VIP download list button in task list toolbar

GUI Improved: do not allow hide the title column of task list

GUI Improved: new command in View menu: Find Task (Ctrl+F)

GUI Improved: switch file list to Simple List or Tree List, from context menu

GUI Improved: display the tree list of files correctly when the files in Torrent are not sorted by directories

Core Improve: support Firefox 7

Core Improve: the file size limit of Torrent changed to 10MB

Based on the stable version v1.29

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Core Improve: the file size limit of Torrent changed to 10MB

WoW, a 10mB torrent file, that is huge, however with some torrent downloads getting closer and closer to 1TB in size, I guess this increase will be needed soon.

We probably should consider preparing a guide for authors of extremely large torrent downloads, on how to get a lot of data into a torrent without inflating the size of the torrent file. Even though bitcomet now supports torrent files upto 10MB, many trackers won't accept a torrent larger then 1MB, so it's still wise to keep them small.

Not intended to substitute for a guide, but for anyone reading, one simple method for torrents with many small files is to put them in a .zip or .rar archive. Less files in the download means less info has to be encoded into the torrent file.

Core Improve: support Firefox 7

This will make a lot of people happy!!!

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I'm not concerned about the size of the .torrent file. It's the size of the contents that are a concern. Something that big needs to wait for the next step in bandwidth. Until then, it should be broken into smaller chunks if at all possible, and even if it's not possible.

A download that size is just about guaranteed to be downloaded in pieces by almost everyone, anyway. How many people have a free terabyte to devote to downloading all of this whatever-it-is?

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I still can't install the new extension from BitComet's options menu. I have disabled UAC in windows 7 and I can't run BitComet as "non elevated" as the error I get asks me to.

If others get this error too, they have to go to %programfiles%/BitComet/Tools and drag and drop the bitcomet_extension_signed.xpi file over the browser's window and manually install the extension.

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@vasy, please notify ariel of this so she can make development aware.

@kluelos, this is why I suggested we needed a guide. Such a guide could be used to educate users to keep task size, piece size, and torrent file size within acceptable limits so all users can use them without encountering problems. The concern about the size of the torrent file is valid too. Many client's can't handle a torrent file larger then 1.6mB, and many trackers can't handle a torrent file larger then 1.1mB. It's nice that BitComet supports these large sizes, but it would be wise to help users avoid making torrents that won't work for users of other clients or on some trackers.

As for the total size, I often download tasks greater then 200GB. With movies and television being encoded in full 1080p resolutions, packs of entire series are going to be huge, so these torrents are going to be seen more and more.

What we need to avoid as far as the size of the torrent file itself is tasks with thousands of small files. Each file name must be encoded into the torrent file, so reducing the number of files will reduce the size of the torrent file.

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