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De cateva sapt. am trecut de la Windows XP la Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (eset nod32 antivireus 4). In timpul in care BitComet-ul(1.18) e pornit, chiar si cu un singur task, acesarea oricarei pagini de web devine greoaie. Pe speedtest.net valoarea ping-ului e intre 1000-1400ms in timpul in care BitComet-ul e pornit, valoarerea normala fiind undeva la maxim 50ms. Viteza de download si upload nu sunt afectate, 11,25Mb/s respectiv 1.25Mb/s.

I upgraded my os from Windos XP to Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (eset nod32 antivirus 4) While BitComet(1.18) is running, even with only one task, accessing any web page becomes slow. On speedtest.net the ping value is somewhere between 1000-1400 ms while bitcomet is running and the normal value being somewhere at maximum 50ms. The download and upload speed is not affected, 11,25Mb/s and 1,25Mb/s.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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One thing I hope you've checked is that your Global Upload Rate setting in BitComet Options is capped to 80% of your tested upload speed. If you didn't, follow the settings guide to accomplish that.

Because this thing, if overlooked, can bring serious lag to all your Internet connections.

Un lucru pe care sper ca l-ai verificat e daca viteza globala de incarcare din setarile BitComet este setata la 80% din viteza ta maxima testata de incarcare. Daca nu ai facut-o, urmeaza ghidul de setari pentru a realiza asta.

Deoarece acest lucru, daca e omis, poate sa-ti aduca o incetinire serioasa la toate conexiunile la interet.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Ping value is not of interest in this regard. It's relevant to some games, but completely irrelevant here.

What you want out of this is the real upstream speed that you get when your connection is not being used for anything else -- shut down all internet applications while testing. Test at several different times of day and on different days of the week. You need a good average value of your actual, measured upload speed, and not what your ISP told you it was.

Then you need to set your global maximum upload speed to about 80% of that value, and doing this should allow your other web traffic to share the connection without getting choked.

Valoarea pingului nu reprezinta un interes aici. E importanta pentru unele jocuri, dar complet irelevanta aici.

Ce vrei tu din asta este viteza ta reala de incarcare cand nu este folosita de altceva --inchide toate aplicatiile cu acces la inernet cand testezi. Testeaza in diferite perioade ale zilei si in diferite zile ale saptamanii. Ai nevoie de o medie buna a valorii vitezei tale adevarata, masurata, de incarcare si nu ce ti-a spus distribuitorul tau de internet ca era.

Apoi trebuie sa setezi limita globala a vitezei de incarcare la 80% din acea valoare, si facand asta ar trebui sa permita alte aplicatii web sa imparta conexiunea fara sa se innece.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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