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Home Lan (Network)

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Hello, recently I put my 2 PCs into LAN (in my house), I used a switch to make it for the 2 computers, and I shared the internet connection that comes to the first by the ARRIS telephony Modem, then it went well until I start bitcomet aplication that stop my connection on both computers I have, I tried to put down every advanced configuration into bitcomet (less the DHT). Please Help, I dont't want to lose bitcomet advantages for other application. Thanks.

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Hello, recently I put my 2 PCs...

1. What OS on each?

2. What firewall(s)/security software runs on each of them?

...I used a switch

3. What model and make?

... I shared the internet connection that comes to the first by the ARRIS telephony Modem

4. How did you share the Internet?

5. Which one of them is the "first"?

6. On which of the computers does BitComet run?

...it went well until I start bitcomet aplication that stop my connection on both computers

7. What do you mean by "stop the connection"?

8. Can you still ping your ISP?

9. Do you get a "disconnected" icon in the System Tray or what?

10. Did you limit the upload speed of BitComet according to your connection's capability (as explained in the setting Guides on the forum)?

You see there are a lot of unanswered questions for us. And I mean, all of them.

Should you have READ THIS before posting announcement on top of this section, probably you would have read inside it most of them and saved me from asking them for the 1110th time, again. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, actually I already disabled the advanced functions included DHT and it works, my modem connects to my computer by USB, and using a D-Link Switch I shared the connection from my computer to other computer (Windows XP sp3 on both), I noticed a modification on Windows Firewall that included Bitcomet UDP... to share into LAN, but still removing it doesn't work, the internet appeared still connected but froze. Now I think it was the modem USB cable that is no good for net connections, it's fine now, thank for the help.

Edited by nejelski (see edit history)
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You would do much better to connect your modem to a router, then connect the computers as peers in your LAN. Running all connections through a windows PC that is acting like a router will require that computer to have sufficient resources to handle it's current tasks and any internet traffic it's routing.

A windows PC is designed to multitask and do a wide variety of computing, but it will never be exceedingly good at doing something comparatively simple as acting like a router. Sure, you can modify the system so routing is all it does, and make it come close to the performance of a $20 router, but I'm sure you can see the failed logic in that idea. If you really want to use a computer for a router, then I'd suggest a stripped down Linux operating system.

However, if you like your setup as it is, then that is all that matters.

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