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Problem with umts

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Bitocomet works truly well but c' it is a problem: practically I connect myself with a chiavetta (umts) and bitcomet the band takes advantage of all and therefore navigation with the browser is much slow one. I can make so that bitcomet lasci a P2o of band in more for navigation? the problem is that, like you will know, the logon umts are not stable therefore in sure moments goes to 150KB/s in sure to 30 KB/s…

PS:you excuse me for very bad English but i am Italian

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Go to speedtest.net and test your connection's speed. Then go in BitComet-->Options-->Connection and cap the Global Upload Rate to 75%-80% of your tested upload speed.

If you got your test results in Mb or Kb (megabits or kilobits) make sure you first convert them in KB (kilobytes) by dividing the values to 8 (as BitComet uses byte multiples for speed measuring).

You can also set a cap on the download speed, depending on how much you want to let available for other applications.

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On speetest.net already they have gone but the problem is that in Italy the net umts is most unstable a second goes to 100 KB/s an other to 30 KB/s. You say to me to go to modify the maximum limit of ulpolad (watches l' image).


You can also set a cap on the download speed, depending on how much you want to let available for other applications.

How?Explained better


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Change the value next to "Limite massimo di Download", where it says "Illimitato", to the the maximum download speed you want bitcomet to reach (about 80-90% of your actual download speed). And then set the one below it (Limite massimo di Upload) to the maximum upload speed you want BitComet to reach (preferably to 75-80% of your actual, tested upload speed as Wizard instructed you to).

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When you do your testing at speedtest.net, make sure that you do not have any other applications running that may use any of your internet bandwidth. If you do not do this, you will not get an accurate reading.

Let the test run for a few minutes until it steadies down to an average speed. You should also run the test again at different times and on different days, especially weekdays and weekends, to get a good average value for your real upstream speed.

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I have made how much you say and own for this reason me is shrewed that the speed is not constant… varied (also a lot if it is fine a week) from hour now therefore I would have to pass the time to always modify the parameters. For this I asked myself if c' it was a system that automatically allowed to make me to use to bitcomet 80% of the effective band in that determined moment.

This option could be useful to me?


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Since the system really wasn't designed for internet access, you're limited in what you can do about it. The speed's going to vary constantly depending on where you are and how many others near you are using the system. That's just a fact of life with internet over UMTS, like never being able to open a listen port.

The best thing I can think of for you to do, is to simply suspend all of your active BitComet tasks, when you are using other internet applications such as your web browser.

BitComet doesn't have the capability to constantly monitor your available bandwidth. and trying to do that would use up a lot of it, so that's not something a lot of people would be willing to tolerate or alternatively, could be made to work fast enough to react. (The only way to detect how much is out there, is to use it up until you run out, which is practically the definition of wasted bandwidth.)

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As a workaround, you could use the lowest upload value that you registered in all your tests as a base for calculus.

That way you'd be pretty much on the safe side, as far as interfering with other applications goes.

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I every month can connect 100 hours that come in jerks conteggiate of 15 anticipated minuteren as an example if I am 15 second minuteren and two 30 minuteren scale me. For this reason for me it would be the maximum to succeed to take advantage of the most possible made unusable band while I navigate and I make other operations on Internet: at the end 100 hours conteggiate in this way are not many; (… u-torrent the band does not take advantage of all but it is much slow one for this I prefer bitcomet that it has also many interesting options (comments, statistics, instantaneous, etc…)….

As a workaround, you could use the lowest upload value that you registered in all your tests as a base for calculus.

That way you'd be pretty much on the safe side, as far as interfering with other applications goes.

Good idea but the value more low is 12KB/S while that highest one is 150KB/s.La situation is not easy: thanks thousands for l' aid and for the councils;)

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