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Download Error


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Hi, Two day ago I opened BitComet to continue downloading where I stopped the night before, after about 10 minutes I noticed that in the summary shows downloading, but the upload as well as download shows zero.

I have never had a problem downloading with BitComet and I made no changes to the settings, see attached screenshotpost-58441-12833448852584.jpg,

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I'm not completely certain what you are asking, so I'm assuming it's that your upload and download speeds are zero for this torrent.

That isn't too surprising, because you are running far too many tasks at once. When you do that, each individual task can be starved for upload bandwidth, and if you are not uploading that task very much or at all, it makes you a very undesirable trade partner. As each member of the swarm connects to you and exchanges information, they each use their famous "greedy" algorithm to select a better peer to swap with. Eventually (it doesn't take long) only the very slowest or very worst peers are willing to exchange with you at all.

It's important to assure that each download task gets a bare minimum of 8 KB/s upload bandwidth, and more if you possibly can. The better this speed is, the more desirable you are and the faster your download will be. For most connections, this means one seeding task and one downloading task, maximum. If your upstream speed is comfortably above the minimum, you can try adding one more download task, but watch your speed for all tasks for a while if you do that. If it starts dropping towards the minimum, you need to stop the additional task.

You'll actually download faster this way, since one task running near your connection's maximum beats two tasks running at 40% of it each.

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Thanks for the response, yes I'm aware of that, I just connected them all for a moment while I took the screenshot, usualy I only run max two downloads, but then I must admit that one of them is a series and I suppose that's where the problem is. Thanks again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been trying to download one Torrent for about a week now and I still have the same problem, I also make use of UTorrent and Free Download Manager, where I can run at least three downloads simultaneously without effort. So why can't I run one Torrent on BitComet?


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I see a few potential problems here. Your running only one torrent at the time which is good if it's an active healthy torrent, but this one shows only 3 seeds and 202 peers, so you have only 3 computers offering the few pieces you need, and 202 that are asking for these pieces. Also, some or all of these 3 may have some corrupt data and are unable to send the rare pieces. If you look at your peers and see a great number are stuck at the same level as you, then your most likely looking at a technical error on remote computer/s, and nothing you can do about it on your end.

If I was you, I'd enable the second series to download and let this one run, hoping one of the seeders detects the problem and fixes it.

Next problem is you have your speeds set to unlimited. With most residential connections this will cause all your upload bandwidth to be used for sending data, making your computer slow, or unable to reply to connection requests. This is a common problem and the best peers will simply pass you by as unresponsive, and look for a peer that replies immediately (a sign of a healthy peer).

The idea is you want to upload as much data as possible so your a good peer but you MUST reserve some bandwidth to receive and reply to trade negotiations in a timely manner.

The most important setting in this regard is your global max upload setting. You need to calculate this to equal about 80% of your actually upload speed. Rather then explain this here I'll refer you to our settings guide while will walk you through the whole procedure as well as go over other important settings.


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