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Open port with at&t 2 wire router.

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I am using BitComit Ver. 1.23 with windows XP media edition.

I have been downloading a very large file,106 gig.

My download speed is very slow.

I have a 2 wire Gateway router AT&T

I need to open the listen port that is blocking this IP address

WAN IP : .

All I need to know is, What port do I need to set an exception for my router to use,

so that the IP address will not be blocked?

Which should allow the download to speed up.

I think the port 26530.

Is this correct?

I am downloadiding this torent


Total of 106 gigs

These are the settings for the download.

Overall Tasks: Total:5 / Running: 2

TCP Connections: Established: 16 [MAX:200] / Half-Open: 197 [MAX:200]



Listen Port of TCP: 26530 (Blocked by Firewall/Router)

Listen Port of UDP: 26530 (Blocked by Firewall/Router)

Windows Firewall: Added [TCP opened, UDP opened]

UPnP NAT port mapping: Failed [uPNP device not found!]

Overall Download Rate: 22 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] Max Connection Limits: 50 per task

Overall Upload Rate: 32 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] LT Seeding: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] All BT Upload Slots: 8

Free Phys Mem: 1.70 GB (Min to keep: 50 MB)

Disk Cache Size: 500 MB (Min: 500 MB, Max: 500 MB)

Disk Read Statistics: Request: 92747 (freq: 1.6/s), Actual Disk Read: 1535 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 98.3%

Disk Write Statistics: Request: 253248 (freq: 1.0/s), Actual Disk Write: 1409 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 99.4%

Total Downloaded: 106.56 GB

Total Uploaded: 1.80 GB

Please help.


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Your listen port isn't something that you find, like a buried treasure. It's something that you choose and set, like a television channel.

You should use a port above 51000 just to make sure you're not conflicting with anything else. But you've already spent more worry on this than it is worth, so use port number 65432. Why that one? Why not. It's really hard to forget, start at 6 and count backwards.

Set this as your listen port in BitComet. Open this port in all of your firewalls. Forward this port in your router's firewall, making sure you set up a static IP address between your computer and your router.

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That's not to difficult.

I set the port to 65432 in my router.

But I don't know how to set a static IP between my computer and my router.

Can you help?

Or is their a forum for this already?

I don't want you to have to be redundant!

Thanks much for the help so far


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You need your router's manual. There's no substitute for reading the manual.

You can find supplemental instructions at www.portforward.com. Choose your router, bypass the ad, then choose the application (BitComet) and look for the bold print, "DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP". Right above that you'll find supplemental instructions for forwarding a port on your router. These are intended to supplement, not replace, reading and understanding the manual.

If you don't take the time to understand it, then when your router resets or anything changes, you'll be right back where you are now.

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I am not as savvy as I thought I was.

I downloaded the manual,all 127 pages,and printed them off for future referance.

Read through the manual and I am still at a loss on how to set up a static IP address!

I was successful in finding this information and i do under stand it

My router external IP address is

My internal address is and my

internal computer address is .

I also checked out the Port forward web site and I still am clue less.

I downloaded the Port forward-Setup-Static-IP-Address program and of cores it would not install.

The same with the PF Port Checker program,it also would not install. eeeeeeeeeeeee

Can you help or am I helpless?


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You need a basic understanding of what you're trying to do. Your manual may assume you already have that. So, to quote myself elsewhere:

For most, but not all router firewalls, (some work a little differently), they will not open a port universally. That potentially creates a huge security hole for any device that was relying on the port being safely blocked.

Therefore, most routers requires that you specify a particular IP address at which you want the port unblocked. Your computer must be at that specific IP address. If it's at another address, well, the port will be blocked for that address.

This is why you need a static, unchanging IP address, for the computer, on the local lan which is created just by having the router in the hookup.

This local lan probably uses one of two address blocks which are specifically reserved for private LAN's and are not valid out on the internet at large.

The first and largest block is 10.xxx.xxx.xxx That's called a "Class B" block and can have 256 * 256 * 256 = 16 million different addressable devices in its network.

The second block is at 192.168.xxx.xxx, a "Class C" block, and can have 256 * 256 = 65 thousand devices in its lan.

Most people, especially at home, don't use anything like that many devices of course. Two or three is more usual. But all those addresses are available to you behind your router. They're also available to your neighbor behind his router, on HIS lan.

The front side of your router, called the WAN side, connects to the internet. It has its own IP address, which it gets from your service provider. The router does address translation and keeps everything straight.

From my point of view, here on the far side of your router, every computer in your house seems to have one single IP address, which is that of the router's WAN side. If you visit whatsmyip.com it will tell you your IP address is likewise, your router's WAN address.

If, on the other hand, you give your computer the shell command, "IPCONFIG", then it will tell you the computer's IP address on the local LAN, which will probably be in one of the reserved blocks I mentioned earlier. Whenever you seen an IP address that starts with 10, or starts with 192.168, you know it's on a LAN and if it's connected to the internet at all, that connection is through a router.

By default and without a router in the middle, your computer asks your ISP to lease it an IP address, using a protocol called DHCP.

With a router in the middle, your computer snivels and asks the router, "Please, sir, may I have an address, sir?", and gets the back of the router's hand, and an assigned address on the lan, out of whatever block the router's using. So for example, the computer gets temporarily leased to it. Temporarily, meaning that it can and does change, even in mid-session, and next time you reboot the computer or the router, you might get a different address.

Now on the other hand, the computer swaggers up to the router, pokes it painfully in the chest and says, "I'm using Got it? Punk?"

"Um, but ...."

"Yeah? Punk?"

"Err, nothing, sir."

In this situation you set your computer to use that specific address, which it asserts on the LAN. It is your responsibility as admin to make sure no other device on your lan tries to use that same IP address, or Bad Things Will Happen. This address does not change, because it wouldn't dare. It's static, fixed, and you can forward the port in the router's firewall to it.

This process is manual configuration, and is what UPnP for a router is essentially supposed to automate on those few occasions when it is implemented correctly and actually works.

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Thought every thing was fine until this.

Well as far as setup of the static IP, this I understand.

But as soon as I made my IP address static this in turn blocked port 65432 which was my port I had forwarded.

What have I done wrong now?

Port 65432 was unblocked and working with BitComet before I made my IP address static.




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Do i have the right port forwarded #70 ?

If so,when I use PFport checker,

the reply is :

Ping results ---------- We were able to ping your computer.

Port check results ----- Your port is not open or reachable.

This is my info.

(Hidden for privacy reasons - visible to Staff only)



What now?

I'm sure I will get it sooner or later.

Definitely learning a lot.


Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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Using a port from the reserved ports range (0-1023), as a listening port for a P2P application is not a very fortunate idea. Those are ports intended for use of server applications and often lead to conflicts when used inadvertently. Port 70 was and still is the assigned port for the Gopher protocol and while that is quite obsolete you'd be better off using a port from the ephemeral range (49152-65535) which are not registered by any application on your system by default.

After you've set a proper port number in BitComet make sure that you forward incoming traffic on that port (in your router) to your static IP address (on the same port).

If still in doubt, peruse the manual port forwarding section of the port setup guide on the wiki: Manually Configure Port Mapping at Router setup page.

If you hit a bump again, come back with questions but make sure that you mention every step you took until that point so that others are aware where you were at, when you got stuck.

Also, knowing if you use a security suite might shed some light on the issue, in case you still can't manage to open your port.

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I thought we had established, WAY back there, that you were going to use port number 65432.

Now here you are talking about you've opened port 70, and do you have the right port, and all this.

One step forward, two steps back.

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Was going to give up but that's not my nature.

steps I have taken

1.Used the program to setup my static address, set up fine shows as static.

2 Forwarded port 65432 to my AT&T router,done.

3 Went to bit comet and made port 65432 my listing port done.

4 Used program to check port and it reply's port is blocked !!!!

5 Turned off Microsoft fire wall port is still blocked..............

6 Port is also blocked,yellow light,in bit comet.

Figure that.

What am i missing????


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Firewalls block ports. That's not a side effect, that's what they do, what they're for. If you have a blocked port, it follows that you have a firewall blocking that port.

As you've discovered, firewalls don't talk to each other and they don't tell each other that they are present or operating. That means that you can have a lot of firewalls running and not know it.

Having multiple firewalls does not make you more secure. It does give you management headaches. But you do, absolutely need one known working firewall. If you choose to have more than one, everything you do to configure the one you must also do to all of the others.

It's very common to have multiple firewalls running and not even know it. You have to find them.

Enable your built-in Windows firewall and set BitComet to automatically configure it. (Never connect to the internet without a known working firewall.)

Now temporarily disconnect the router and connect the computer directly to the modem. Reconfigure the computer to use DHCP instead of a static address. Run BitComet and test the port at www.canyouseeme.org. (Any answer besides "yes, I can see your service" is a no.)

Did it work?

If so then you know you've only got the one firewall to worry about on the PC, and you also know that your router still didn't forward the port correctly.

If it didn't work then you do NOT know whether the router's correct, but you DO know there's at least one other firewall that you still have to find.

Software firewalls don't talk to each other. There isn't a flag that says, "firewall already present". You can, and people unknowingly do have six software firewalls running on their computers. There are stand-alone firewalls, firewalls that are part of "security" suites, even firewalls included with mainboard software.

You have encountered two kinds of firewall: software like the Windows built-in, and firmware like the one in your router. There's a third, which is external to you and is put in place by your internet service provider. This kind you don't control and usually just have to live with. You'll commonly encounter these in any facility that provides the internet connection for you, so hotels, dormitories, office buildings and the like usually have firewalls. You can ask, but most building management people won't know what you're talking about. Just about every kind of wireless connection is also firewalled. Most public hot-spots are firewalled.

Most ADSL connections, the kind you pay for and have installed separately, are not. ISP's usually advertise their firewalls as safety features, so you can readily find out from them.

You must find and either configure or disable each such firewall, if you can. Remember, never connect to the internet without a known working firewall. It takes more time to take a shower than it takes to become infected and zombied over an unfirewalled connection.

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Thanks so much for the help you have provided so far.

These are the steps I followed from your last reply.

1 I reactivated my windows fire wall, now protected.

2 My router is already connected directly to the computer in question, so no action was needed on that task.

3 I used the, Port forward Setup Static IP Address program and made my IP address dynamic which was static.

4 opened up router firewall and forwarded ip port 65432 as before saved and closed.

5 I used PF Port Checker program to check port and port now shows as open.

6 I opened comit and went to options connection and set my listing port to 65432.

Wan and DHT both are green now.

Question: Do I need to set my ip address as static again. As before when I did this My WAN light shows that the port is closed.

CONCLUSION: What I believe is that,I have followed all the steps and proven that I don't have any fire walls stopping the port from opening. But as soon as I convert my IP address from dynamic to static the port closes.


Not giving up yet!!!!!!!!!!!


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But as soon as I convert my IP address from dynamic to static the port closes.
Of course it closes, the IP address it was forwarded for, no longer exists. The program you use for this not only sets your pc to have a static IP but it also changes the IP address. Your PC's IP address may change every time you use this program. You did pay attention to what the program was doing, right?

You first need to set it to static, if it's already static leave it that way.

Then you forward your port to the new static IP of your pc.

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