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La un up-load de 1-2 Mb/s si un download de maxim 7Mb/s, cele 100 puncte le fac in 30 minute, + 20 puncte pentru 10 ore de lasat torentele la up-load.

Nu este o incurajare sa lasam cat mai multe torente la seed.

Practic dupa 10 ore inchizi Bitcometul (ceea ce am de downloadat rezolv in cateva ore si las torentul deschis doar ca ceilalti membrii sa poata face download).

Doar 120 puncte se pot face pe zi?

Nu se poate puncta eventual un upload de cativa Gb sau zeci de Gb zilnic?

At an upload speed of 1-2 Mb/s and a maximum download speed of 7Mb/s, I make the 100 points in 30 minutes, plus 20 points for letting the torrents upload for 10 hours.

This is not an encouragement to leave more torrents seeding.

Practically you close BitComet after 10 hours (I finish everything I have to download in a few hours and after that I leave the task started just for others to download).

Why can I only make 120 points per day?

Can't there be awarded more points for an upload of several Gb or tens of Gb daily?

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...

problema mea este ca deshi am 42445 puncte nu reushesc sa d/l cu mai mult de 800 mb/sec.in conditziile in care bitcometul e deschis aproape 24/24;7/7.poate ma invatza cineva cum sa fac sau ce ca sa maresc viteza de d/l.

cu multzumiri anticipate

my problem is that even though I have 42445 points I can't download with more than 800 kB?/s. while BitComet is open 24/7. Maybe someone can teach me how can I increase my download speed.

thanks in advance

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@cristiborcea Sistemul de punctaj e facut sa-i faca pe utilizatori curiosi in ce priveste incarcarea pe torrente, plus ca nu toata lumea are o viteza magnifica la internet si nu cantitatea conteaza ci intentia de a da mai departe ce ai descarcat.

@original53 Ai nevoie sa intelegi aspectul p2p al torrentelor, nu e vina nimanui ca nu descarci cu 10000kB/s sau cat e viteza maxima a conexiunii tale(poate vrei sa o testezi, sa vezi pentru cat platesti cu adevarat si la ce trebuie sa te astepti) in principal depinde ce viteza de incarcare cumulata au cei la care te conectezi apoi depinde de ce viteza de incarcare ai tu pentru a-i mentine pe ceilalti interesati sa pastreze conexiunea cu tine. BitTorrent e un protocol p2p in care competitia e cheia, cei cu viteze mari de incarcare se gasesc intre ei si descarca repede, iar cei cu viteze mici sunt refuzati pana raman tot cu cei ca ei. Nu pot sa-ti explic protocolul mai simplu de atat. Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa-ti gestionezi viteza de incarcare corect astfel incat sa nu fie prea mare ca sa-ti supraincarci latimea de banda dar nici prea mica incat sa fie si altii interesati sa-ti dea date la schimb.

@cristiborcea The rewarding system is made to make the users curious in regards to seeding the torrents, plus that not everyone has a magnificent internet speed and it's not the quantity that matters but the intention to pass on what you download.

@original53 You need to understand the p2p aspect of BitTorrent, it's no one's fault that you don't download at 10000kB/s or at whatever is your connection's maximum speed(you might want to test it, to see what you're really paying for and what you should expect) mainly it depends on what's the accumulated upload speed of those you are connected to and then it depends on what upload speed you have to keep them interested. BitTorrent is a protocol where the competition is key, those with high upload speeds find each other and download fast, and those with low speeds are rejected until they are only connected with each other. I can't explain the protocol simpler than this. All you have to do is mange your upload speed so that it's not high enough to overload your bandwidth and also not too low so you keep the other peers interested in exchanging data with you.

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Also, if earning large number of points per day were possible, we'd have hackers trying to falsify stats to gain rank. The current system requires an investment of time as well as upload, leaving very little to be gained by someone wanting to cheat.

De asemenea, daca s-ar putea castiga un numar mare de puncte, am avea hackeri incercand sa falsifice punctajul pentru a urca in clasament. Sistemul actual cere timp cat si incarcare, lasand foarte putin de castigat pentru cineva vrand sa triseze.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

Salut inca o data, domnule Vasy! As vrea sa va intreb: Totul va fi gratis la acest concurs cu punctajul? Adica, voi putea sa ajung chiar si la cel mai mare grad fara sa platesc nimic? Motivul care m-a ingrijorat este ca am vazut blog-ul unui prieten care isi facea aproape zilnic maximul de puncte (120) si dintr-o data nu mai cresteau deloc... Am intrat la BitComet blogs. Este vorba de Ursu Attila, avea un blog destul de renumit si stiu ca lua foarte foarte in serios chestia cu gradele. Dintr-o data s-a oprit, tin minte ca era chiar in ultimul grad de general, mai avea putin si ajungea maresal, de atunci s-a oprit si nici scorul nu ii mai crestea, din pacate nu e singurul pe care l-am vazut in aceeasi situatie. Ma puteti ajuta?

Hi again, Vasy! I want to ask you this: Will everything be free at this contest? Meaning, will I be able to reach the highest title without paying for anything? The reason I'm worried is that I saw the blog of a friend of mine who made the maximum points(120) almost daily and suddenly the points stopped increasing... I went to the BitComet blogs. This is about Ursu Attila, he had pretty renouned blog and I know that he took the ranking seriously. But it suddenly stopped, I remember that he was at the last General title, not far from reaching Marshal, since then the scoring stopped, unfortunately he's not the only one I have seen in this situation. Can you help me?

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Sunt cel putin sute de utilizatori care au ajuns la primul grad de Marshal si chiar peste. Competitia cu scorul BitComet este complet gratuita.

E posibil ca prietenul tau sa fi blocat din greseala serverele BitComet cu un program de securitate, sau de blocat IP-uri.

Pentru detalii despre scorul tau mergi pe http://www.cometid.com

There are at least hundreds of users who reached the first title of Marshal and beyond. The BitComet scoring competition is completely free.

It's possible that your friend has unintentionally blocked the BitComet servers with a security software or an IP blocking solution.

For details about your BitComet score go to http://www.cometid.com

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