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Task List is empty!!!

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This happened after I installed IDM I uinstalled before I even noticed because it didn't

seem to integrate &didn't increase download speeds. After restart I went back to bit comet to find my comp.& partial list (15 to 20 programs) was missing. As I said they are still on hard drive. Also I can see most of them if I go to "history" This is really A pain cause I don't know how to upload from hard drive even tho I'm sure thats the path

when you upload completed files. Any idea what happened? Its looking like I gotta re install OS. Something else unusual ( 2 ea ) my system restore was turned OFF NO I didn't

do it! AND in ms config I cannot enable or disable Services. PLease Help! Can't pay cash

but have rare music, and went from gaming ( I'll never quit completly) to trying to get

a better job w/ int security ( using Omni Peek,ect and Backtrack) I'll trade Knowledge

Tip_ Cable and Dsl will be cmpl replaced by WiFi . Banks already get 150mps with

config, proper antennas ,and of course the all important config ..Thanks ,,,lijet

Ps this computor is windows / dx diag inclDxDiag.txt

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Your post reads as if it was translated into English by a computer.

Basically what I'm saying is it makes no sense at all and if you want us to help you, your going to have to find someone who can post your problem in a way we can understand it, in either English or one of the other supported Languages.

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Some of what you say certainly sounds like the symptoms of an infection. Doing a thorough scan with your antivirus, with MalwareBytes and with Spybot S&D, plus a rootkit detector, should be the first priority.

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