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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

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de mai multa vreme mu prea pot sa ma conectez la bc.blog.imi da Page eror-Return home.ce mama dracului se intimpla ?ca sa nu mai spun ca o gramada de maimutoi te omoara cu reclame la toate prostiile.unde dracu e administratorul ?

For a long time now I can't connect to the Comet Blog. I get an error saying "Page error-Return home. What the h*** is happening? Not to mention the goon lot killing me with spam, where the h*** is the administrator?

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Development on the bitcomet blog ended long ago. The site was never taken offline because many enjoyed it. I just checked and it's working now, but I wouldn't expect any changes or for it to suddenly begin to be properly moderated.

Basically the site has been abandoned. It was a good idea, but these social networking sites require a lot of full time staff to keep running and free of spam. Unfortunately, BitComet didn't have the staff necessary to do this.

Lucrul la blogul bitcomet s-a terminat cu mult timp in urma. Site-ul n-a fost inchis pentru ca multora le-a placut. Am verificat acum si merge, dar nu m-as astepta la schimbari sau ca dintr-o data sa fie moderat cum trebuie.

In principiu site-ul a fost abandonat. A fost o idee buna, dar siturile de socializare online ca acesta au nevoie de o echipa de moderatori cu norma intreaga ca sa le mentina in stare de functionare si fara spam. Din nefericire, BitComet nu a avut personalul necesar pentru asta.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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