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Constantly Update Tracker

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to download huge files via torrent - i need to update to update the tracker every 1 hour or so to keep the download speed to the max.

Why is it so?

Is there a way to make the process( right click on file> update tracker) auto?

Thank you.

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Every time your client receives an updated metafile from the tracker, one of the parameters included in it is the number of minutes to wait before contacting the tracker again. This is one of the most important mechanisms that trackers use to adjust their loads.

Contact the tracker more often than that, ("hammering" the tracker) is grounds for banishment on most of them, and there is generally no need for it. The usual requested wait is on the close order of 20 minutes. Your client will tell you how long it is waiting before it updates automatically, on the TRACKERS tab.

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The most likely cause is that you've throttled down your upload speed, or are running too many tasks at once, starving each individual task for bandwidth. If you don't give, you don't get. What happens is that everyone in the current swarm has tried connecting to you and found that you are slow/unreliable, so they prefer to trade with someone else.

When you update the tracker you get some new peers (and they get you when they update), so those peers try you, and your speed goes up for a while, but then they also discover that you are slow, and go elsewhere. You must make certain that your upload speed for each task is at least 8 KB/s, and preferably much higher.

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Thank you for replying.

But why after only updating the tracker, the torrent resumes at its full speed? else nothing is downloading nor seeding.

If you want to turn this thread into a support request, then please provide the requested information. When we review your speedtest results and your settings, then we can give a better and more accurate theory as to why you're having this unusual problem, but it does look like you are becoming a bad peer in which case the protocol is designed to ignore peers that have little to offer.

We'll be able to help much more after you've provided more information.

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To kluelos and The UnUsual Suspect ,

both my upload and download rate are set to unlimited.

I am using XP OS with the latest bitcomet 1.32 and yes i noticed one more thing i was using the zipped version of bitcomet 1.32 my download speed was fine but i moved to the set up version(1.32) due to random program crashes.

since then my port is blocked in the set up version whereas executing the zipped one isnt?? and the ports are random in both versions.

My speed test results give Download: 0.48 Mbps and Upload: 0.46 Mbps.

Edited by niyhit (see edit history)
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You need to set up your client properly. See our settings guide in the Guides and Tutorials forum. You might also spend some time with the tutorial articles there.

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You definitely can't run without properly setting the correct bandwidth limits on your client or you'll end up using all your bandwidth for data and be so slow to reply to peers that they'll think your no longer active. Our setting guide is very old, but the basic principals haven't changed, just make sure you understand the difference between bits "b" and Bytes "B" when doing the math. Your speedtest results you posted are measured in bits, bitcomet measures in Bytes. 8bits=1Byte.

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