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My listen port is yellow instead of green :(

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Hi everybody,

My problem is worldwide problem with the listen port.It is yellow,instead of green.And the worst thing is that it was green last month!

I don`t have any modem or router,my internet is optical.So,I have just one cable into my desktop computer and it is all.

I do NOT have any anti-virus program,even my windows firewall is off!

I have read a lot about the problem,about static IP,about forwarding,about port mapping...and nothing helps :(

The version of BitComet I am using is 1.34

The version of Windows is XP 32 bit

My type of broadband connection is point-to-point protocol over ethernet (PPPoE)

Device name: WAN Miniport(PPPoE)

Server type: PPP

Server IP:

My(client)IP: 78.90.250.*

My IP is the same with def.geatway

Listen Port of TCP:(Blocked by Firewall/Router)

Listen Port of UDP: (Opened in Firewall/Router)

UPnP NAT port mapping: Failed [uPNP device not found!]

Thanks in advance!

Edited by sekojpetokurdajadam (see edit history)
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Hi, and welcome to our forum.

Rather then reply to your PM, and since it seems you did figure out how to post in the forum, so I'll reply here. I suspect you do have a router but may not be aware of it, as I've never seen a fiberoptic service that didn't use a router. Please open a command prompt window and type "ipconfig/all" (without quotes) and hit enter. Now look for you IP address in the info displayed. If your IP begins with 78.90.250.xxx, then you probably have no router, if it lists another address, usually 192.168.xxx.xxx, then you do indeed have a router.

Also, are you the owner of the internet connection, or is it shared with others, such as a service that is provided with a rental apartment or college dorm?

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The first thing you need to do, before worrying about your listen port or anything else, is to turn your firewall back on.

It's a firewall. Does that sound like a good thing to disable? Turning it off is like taking your front door off the hinges because you had some trouble with the lock. Expect your TV to disappear. Expect people you don't know to move into your living room. Expect a lot of really bad consequences.

Now that you've got your firewall back on, the first thing you need to do, before worrying about your listen port or anything else, is to disinfect your system and clean out all of the nasties you let in when you took down your firewall. The first step of THAT is to get and install anti-virus software, a rootkit detector, anti-spyware and anti-malware software.

Once you've got a secure system that isn't sending out email spam and participating in DDOS attacks on other systems, not to mention waiting to steal any personal information you may enter, then you can worry about getting your listen port open.

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  • 2 weeks later...

krzyunit, please don't jump into the middle of someone else's topic, we're not sure who we're talking to.

You clearly have a different problem, since you speak of an update, while the OP didn't mention any update. Please take this discussion to your own topic, not this one.

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