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MCafee isolated two treats after bitcomet update


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i had same problem, KIS 2019 deleted bitcomet.exe after installing 1.51 build, adding it in threats and exclusions helped, then i changed some tab settings and removed threats and exclusions rule and warning message disappeared, it was some kind of adaware not-a-virus, i think just false positive, before that i never had any problems using 1.51 build

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I'm sorry that you don't like being told about what has been a known issue ever since 1.52 was released. This false positive has cropped up in more posts than enough and the cause has been stated over and over again.

When you start to istall, you get one screen for the actual app; you then get a second install screen offering another piece of software. You can decline that. The reason it's there is that the external company pays to have it bundled and that's what pays for server time. The applet for installing that is what causes the false positive as the A/V simply sees it as 'adware' and then calls it a threat.

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