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Torrent Power User Question

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Hi Comrades B) ,

I need some assistance to resolve a problem? I am confident that somebody can provide me the answer, whether it's it's what I want or not. Here's the deal:

I have been downloading a fat torrent (15GB) for the past two days. I misjudged the amount of space I had available on my laptop and there isn't enough room to handle the whole torrent. If it at all possible, I would like to avoid losing the amount I have downloaded to date, about 40% of the file.

I got to thinking (danger!) since you can delete a torrent in the download file and it will reconfigure back to zero (0) without losing the torrent string to start the download again, perhaps I could do something like that with copying the data to my desktop PC?

The desktop has a lot of drive space and I am wondering if there is any chance that I could copy this torrent to an external then to the desktop, create Bitcomet on the Desktop (I use the laptop only for torrent downloading generally) and then copy the present torrent download (the 40% I have on the laptop) into the Bitcomet download file and then find the original torrent and start to download again. Or maybe finding the original torrent wouldn't be necessary but I doubt that is the case.

Is there a way I can save the 40% data someway and eventually make it a complete torrent so I don't waste two days of downloading? The option of purging my system of applications to make the room is not an option I am willing to consider. I would start from scratch before I get that down and dirty.

I might be totally of the mark on how this might be done. This is why I am turning to you for help.

Is there is another way, as I am not familar with doing something like this?

Feedback would be most appreciated.

Best, Sky

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Yes, it's easy enough to do, provided you do, in fact, locate the partial file correctly. Then do a manual hash check. It should grind away for quite a while, then tell you you've got 40% and it's ready to start downloading the rest.

If it finishes quickly and tells you you have 0%, you probably got the download location wrong. It can be tricky in BitComet, so try again. It likes to be pointed to the directory above the file, for some reason. Play with it a bit and you should get it.

You should still have the original torrent somewhere on your drive, so just copy that over too, and open it in BitComet on the desktop.

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Yes, it's easy enough to do, provided you do, in fact, locate the partial file correctly. Then do a manual hash check. It should grind away for quite a while, then tell you you've got 40% and it's ready to start downloading the rest.

If it finishes quickly and tells you you have 0%, you probably got the download location wrong. It can be tricky in BitComet, so try again. It likes to be pointed to the directory above the file, for some reason. Play with it a bit and you should get it.

You should still have the original torrent somewhere on your drive, so just copy that over too, and open it in BitComet on the desktop.

Hi, When you say locate the file correctly, isn't the only location that I would relocate the file to would be the Bitcomet Download file in the Program File Directory? How would I steer Bitcomet to the particular location otherwise. And what do you mean that it likes to be pointed to directory above the file, so that would be the Bitcomet Folder itself, where your bitcomet.exe file and such is located. Is that what you mean?

Information regarding the above would be helpful, and thanks for getting me going in the right direction! :blink:

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When you start the torrent, it will give you the option of selecting any locaton to save the files to.

As long as you have copied the incomplete files to that directory, it will continue the download.

You can also change the default download location in "preferences" settings.


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Hi, When you say locate the file correctly, isn't the only location that I would relocate the file to would be the Bitcomet Download file in the Program File Directory?

You are by no means limited to that. First, you can put the file(s) anywhere you please. Second, you can change the default. Third, with Vista, it's going to become mandatory not to store any data in the Program Files tree, which is a sort of half-assed security thing, but a good idea nonetheless.

How would I steer Bitcomet to the particular location otherwise.

You have the option when you start the torrent.

And what do you mean that it likes to be pointed to directory above the file, so that would be the Bitcomet Folder itself, where your bitcomet.exe file and such is located. Is that what you mean?

IFF you're using the default directory and put the files there, it's probably a non-issue. If you've put the files somewhere else, and are changing the location at torrent start, then it's best explained by trying it and observing the results. You point it at the file, you do the hash check, it says nothing's there when you know that's not true, so you try pointing to the next directory level up, try the hash check again, and now it finds the partial file.

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