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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

plz help


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i was downloading a tv series..the speed was ok...but in my eagerness to view the first episode...i unchecked the rest of the individual files..they all had a percentage downloaded..after the first one was completed..i wanted to resume the others..but to my surprise and chagrin, it was gone! all gone...back to zero..is there any way of recovering or resuming..or will i have to start all over again?..and if so..is there a way to prevent it happening again?...thanks for yr attention

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yap the cheking thing is just for what files are you downloading not for priority of files... if you anchekd majorly all that means you don't want not that I want to donload that file first, I'm so sorry for the inconvinionce, I just hope the TECH support does his job, and instals the priority function...

Request for moderators to move this thread from the lounge to a more convinient space let's just say on of bittcomets Cient and Genaral help threads...

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When you Unchecked a file, you in effect deleted that file from the list of files to download.

Selecting files in a torrent is not what bit torrent protocall was orignally designed to do, and is an addition feature that bit comet offers.

This can easily be avoided by correctly selecting what you want to download before you start the torrent, and not changing mid course.


*moved to bit comet general help*

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