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Seeding Help


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I've been trying to seed videos and I've been successful. I'm on a tracker for a Web site and it goes smoothly for a while.

But I'm looking at the peers' downloading progress and it seems that I stop uploading when they reach 99.8%. They can't get past 99.8%. So no I'm not uploading at all and I have 6 peers stuck at 99.8% on my torrent. Any help would really be appreciated.

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Am I correct that this is a torrent that you have made, and your seeding it, but none of your peers can get past 99.8 percent?

Or are you also downloading it and stuck there?

I'm alittle confused as to which is the case here.


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Yes, this is a torrent that I made and have been seeding it.

Then I look into the peers list and everyone has stopped at 99.8%. I also looked in the "files" section in the main window to make sure no extra files were included that might not be transferred over, but there weren't. I'm not sure what else to do.

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without direct access to the files and your client it is hard to imagine what the cause is, but I'm sure the rest of our staff and members will have suggestions to try and resolve this.

The first thing I would do would be to remove the torrent, then start it again, in fact I would download it from the same source your peers are getting it from.

Besure to choose the correct save location when you start it. It will then hash the exsisting files to 100% and begin seeding, or stop at 99.8 percent.

Please try this and report,


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This is pretty much normal bittorrent behaviour, which changes when a torrent is nearly complete. The client enters "endgame mode".

Contemplate a torrent being spread among the swarm. Due to its nature, the most plentiful or common pieces get widely distributed first, and the least common last. This is part of what you are seeing. Another part is the speed of the various peers. At this point, every peer is trying to get the same last few pieces, which hasn't been the case before now. These things add greatly to the communication overhhead. It's not quite clear why it adds so very much, and of course all that "talking" doesn't actually get anything useful done, by appearance.

There are reams ot theory and explanations out there. You can get some of it by following this thread, which quickly gets very technical.

The only answer you can really use is, "this is normal, just keep seeding".

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