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Port Forwarding

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Hi there, i learn that port forwarding might help in Bitcomet downloading.

But my problem now is, i have a router modem and it is connected to my wireless access point. So, if i want to set port forwarding then should i do it on my modem router or my wireless access point?

My router modem is Edimax.

My Wireless AP is Cnet.

I just wanna make sure which one should i set the Port forwarding feature.

Another question, if i set port fowarding in this, will anyone able to gain access to my PC? It is completely different from DMZ thing right?


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are you using two routers? one built into your modem, and a second to run your wifi?

if so, then you would have to configure both, assuming your computer running bit comet is connected through both.

If your computer running bit comet is connected direct to your modem/router, then it is the only one you need to configure.

If your router is listed at portforward.com, then that is the easiest way to setup your port.


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Please explain your setup a little more.

So your internet comes into the Edimax.

How is your Edimax connected to your wifi router?

Is it connected to the WAN input on the wifi router or one of the LAN inputs?

Do you have devices(PCs, Voip, etc) plugged into both routers or just the wifi one?

When using two routers there is three ways you can do it.

The easiest way is to change the modem/router into bridged mode where it just passes everything and then use the wifi device for everything (PPPoE, NAT, DHCP, etc)

Here is the general idea, hopefully you can figure it out for your hardware


The other way involves using the modem/router for everything and the wifi device as just an access point; its a little more difficult to deal with. Here is the general idea


this link actually describes both methods and the third method of using both as routers

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Please explain your setup a little more.

So your internet comes into the Edimax.

How is your Edimax connected to your wifi router?

Is it connected to the WAN input on the wifi router or one of the LAN inputs?

Do you have devices(PCs, Voip, etc) plugged into both routers or just the wifi one?

Edimax is the one who connected to internet. The edimax have 4-ports, 1 of the ports connected to my Cnet Wireless AP in "WAN" port. Then my computer connected to the 1 of the 4 ports in Wireless AP. I did open up the Bitcomet when i running the canyouseeme.org test, but fail too. Or it seem like my ISP blocked my downloading up? No way can be done and just sit and wait?

Thanks for the reply from Suspect and Dave

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I'm going to leave this topic in the very capable hands of bitdave (and the rest of our support team).

I will however suggest you need to think about how you want your network to function, since you have two routers.

From what I can see in your posts, you only have one computer using your LAN (local area network), so the only reason you even have a router is to be wireless. However, if you do have more computers using your LAN (or plan to in the future), you need to deside where they will be connected.

In my opinion, I would use the first config. that bitdave mentioned, which, in effect, disables your router which contains the modem, making it function only as a modem. You can then hook any wired/wireless computers to your second router. This way, any other computers you wish to add to your LAN, either wired or wireless can go through this router.

From what I understand, you have the exact opposite configuration. Meaning your using your modem/router as your only router, and using second router only for the wireless connection. If this is the case, I think you will run into more problems in the future if you don't change this.


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i try that too suspect, but no help. But thanks for helping me, i think i will just wait for the latest tech to solve this problem. It already announce in Malaysia that our local ISP (streamyx) has starting to block P2P / Bittorent Software to function. I guess this is the end for Malaysian Broadband User....But i will be very sure...Bitcomet will be back soon and more powerful.

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