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Download won't finish


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I've been sitting on 99.8% for soooooooooo freaking long, at least a few days. All bitcomet is doing is chomping into my usage limit by continuously uploading. There is only 3 packets that need finishing which are all missing a total of 3 MB S !!! Come onnn!! Whats going on bitcomet? Obviously if the packet is able to reach its individual 90% then it should be able to complete since you cant upload an uncompleted packet, therefore there are COMPLETED PACKETS OUT THERE and bitcomet doesnt feel like DOWNLOADING THEM.. :angry: Seriously, whats left is a max of 5mins downloading, geez i'll b happy if i even connect at 1kb/s to someone. Well the download atm is reading: 2/24[6/52] ... Can somebody tell me whats going on. Will the download finish? Geez MAKE IT WORK!!

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Hopefully, you saw the topic up there that says, "PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING". I know you didn't read it, but you might have seen it.

Alas, we have no information on your system configuration, which makes it pretty difficult to provide much help.

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lol sorry. BitComet 0.79 ... but I started the download with 0.6 i think (well the version before 0.79) and yeah it was on 99.8% on "0.6" so i thought 0.79 might be able to resolve the problem, but no difference. Running windows xp sp2 platform with adsl 2 which is meant to be 20mbps but we live pretty far from the exchange so it rarely gets that good lol

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Your first step would be to downgrade to 0.70

Now, since you don't have a router (which I know you don't, since you've been told a couple of times now that you needed to mention your setup, so I assume you would have take the hint and mentioned that you had a router if you had one), then you probably have a poisoned torrent which was never intended to finish. You should look for another torrent with the same material, and before you download it, read the comments associated with it or on the related forum to see if others have detected a problem with it.

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Your first step would be to downgrade to 0.70

Now, since you don't have a router (which I know you don't, since you've been told a couple of times now that you needed to mention your setup, so I assume you would have take the hint and mentioned that you had a router if you had one), then you probably have a poisoned torrent which was never intended to finish. You should look for another torrent with the same material, and before you download it, read the comments associated with it or on the related forum to see if others have detected a problem with it.

kluelos... I just had the same problem with my client and I did what you told to kingtipz.

My client was 0.70 and did not finish just like him. It stucked at %99.2..then I thougt that it could be from the file and I start to DL a new one. It happened again and like he did I updated my client to 0.79...

A new file and a new client...but it still stops at %99..something ... :huh:

I have the same PC configuration with him .............???????


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There is a very common problem with many routers that will cause this, so it is very important that members specify what hardware they are using.

If your torrent has no seeders, then it won't finish unless a seeder returns. If this is the case, all peers will have this level of completion (or less).

If there seems to be a large number of seeders, but also a large number of people stuck at this level, then it is likely a bad (poisoned torrent), which will never finish.


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There is a very common problem with many routers that will cause this, so it is very important that members specify what hardware they are using.

If your torrent has no seeders, then it won't finish unless a seeder returns. If this is the case, all peers will have this level of completion (or less).

If there seems to be a large number of seeders, but also a large number of people stuck at this level, then it is likely a bad (poisoned torrent), which will never finish.


I don't think that it is about the router... I was DL ing torrents for about a year and it just started to do this problem lately. I couldn't understand the problem. Maybe it is about the comeyt or torrent I don'T know butI wanted to warn you :D



I DL a really selected torrent file (casino royale) but it is doing this now and every torrent after last week :huh: thats why I asked you this...

It would be great if you find another problem like this in Comet. But it maybe from my system. If you can't find anything don't bother...


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Ah, but they don't have routers, right? They've only been told a couple of times now that they needed to mention their setups including their internet connections and presence/absence of a router. And they haven't. So I think we can assume that they don't, otherwise we could check and see if it's one of those routers with a DMZ problem which affects not every torrent, but only certain ones (which will not be the same for everybody), and we could have suggested solutions.

But since they don't have routers...

When you download very recent and very popular things like "Casino Royale", you are extremely likely to run into a poisoned torrent. I would just about expect it. I would look at the uploader, and I would check their track record - other torrents they've uploaded, comments about those torrents -- and if they didn't have a track record I'd assume this was poisoned, intended to make me waste my time, and won't ever complete even if any part of it is actually what it says it is. The more recent and popular the download is, the more likely poisoned releases are out there.

Use the comments and the forums to avoid these torrents. It's why they have comments and forums, so you don't waste your time with them.

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