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Internet Disconects

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Every time I Open bit-commet my internet connection shuts down. I try and renew the I.P., but the only way to get it back online is to reset the modem. It happens everytime I open the program. Sometimes I can get one page to open before it dissconnects, but thats it then I have to reset the modem.

Any Ideas?

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You have a bad modem. This means that your modem crashes when it gets too many connections.

Go to Options, and go to "Connection" Set "Max Simulatneous TCP connections" to around 30, and "Max Connections Per Task" to around 30 aswell.


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thanks.. seems to work when i put it in 30... but the speed seems really slow... i mean,. if its automatic, it'll download blazing fast.. but after half an hour.. the modem suddenly stops.. i have to reset the modem too... but after changing it to 30 it works.. didn't disconnect.. i tried changing it to 50.. but it didn't work.. it disconnected.. any other tips in how to improve the speed... it starting disconnecting after i tried downloading 2 or more torrents a time.. any help would be appreciated.. thanks in advance..is there a limit of downloads to the simultaneous connectiosn.. meaning if i put 30.. do i have to download only a certain amount of task. i don't know.. please help

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What routers/modems do you use?

I am also having this problem, however it only started recently. For around a year I have used bitcomet on this computer, with this same modem (Formally SBC, now AT&T, please note that the problem started happening after AT&T buyout so I assumed it was an AT&T glitch) the modem is speedstream 5100b, which came with the interent connection. At first I thought it was an internet problem, and had them check my lines, and then I thought it was a modem problem. Now I see others have recently started having this problem, so it might be a bitcomet problem. Can I ask the others who are having this problem what internet provider they use. I wonder if this has something to do with AT&T, and I am about to resign my contract with them, but now I'm having doubts about doing that.

I also notice it does not happen everytime, only when I run a start up sometimes, and whenever I run a lot of torrents. It will be running fine, and then it will suddenly stop.

Any advice would be wonderful, thank you.

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in the list it says some SpeedStreams but yea it will be good if we add them one by one and this is what I am doing in the moment.

* SpeedStream 4100 added.

thank you for your help to make a full list of all bad routers.

PS.one quick hint to try to fix this. limit you download and you upload rates. I have 64KB/s download and 16KB/s upload. My router was disconnecting all the time. Then I limit my download to 53KB/s and my upload to 10KB/s and since then I haven't even one disconnect. Chenge this according to your bandwidth that you have.

Edited by dimchopicha2003 (see edit history)
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i have the same problem

when i open BitComet the interenet disconects

when i close BitComet it still doesn't work untill i restart the computer

That is not the same problem. Does your modem shut down, forcing you to reset it before you can continue? If not, then 1) it's not the same problem, and 2) you ought to read the FAQ, particularly the settings guide.

Unless your modem physically shuts down, forcing you to go and do a reset routine on it, there is nothing wrong with the modem. If this list becomes a collection of every problem anyone ever had, that they blamed on their modem out of ignorance, it will become worthless.

In general, hardware shouldn't be added unless there are at least two verified reports that the hardware was, indeed, to blame and was not merely defective.

Most supposed modem problems are simple settings issues, and most of the rest are network problems that would affect any modem. If this list doesn't take the attitude that, basically, you have to prove that it's not one of those two, then as a guide it becomes useless.

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I prefer to include the routers in the list and if we have at least two verified reports that haven't problems with the same router then to remove it from the list.

If you have disconnecting problems and they are fixed with settings tweak this is workaround for your hardware problem, because there are many users that haven't bad router from the list and are just fine with the default settings.

Of course this is hardware problem not an settings problem.

I am 100% sure that this:

i have the same problem

when i open BitComet the interenet disconects

when i close BitComet it still doesn't work untill i restart the computer

is hardware problem. If the problem is happening when you use BC it is 99% sure that you have bad router that cant handle too many connections. If he splve his problem and tell us that it was software problem we will remove the router from the list and I can't see where is the problem here.

If my bad router disconnect it is not fixed just by reseting it. I need to restart my pc too. And I have made all the settings that can find on the forums. It disconnected earlier and I switched the power off for half an hour and it still doesn't worked then I switched the power off for 2 hours and it finally worked. Maybe I should remove my modem from the list too? Maybe I have a settings or software problem?

If you don't like the list and you don't agree with any of the listed bad routers then tell us and we will remove one router or another.

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It disconnected earlier and I switched the power off for half an hour and it still doesn't worked then I switched the power off for 2 hours and it finally worked. Maybe I should remove my modem from the list too?

Yes, you should. This classically indicates a network problem, not a hardware problem with the modem. It's getting overwhelmed by trashed packets, improper signal levels (too low OR too high) or general noise. It won't begin working again until the trash on the connection settles down. Blaming this on the modem is self-defeating, because what you're trying to fix isn't the problem, and not terribly moral in terms of slandering a product that isn't at fault.

I doubt you'd agree if someone applied the same standards to you, personally.


If you do remove an item from the list, will you also say, "I screwed up, this should never have been added to the list, and anybody who didn't buy one because I told you it was crap, should go back and buy one now to make it up to the company and store that lost a sale because of my error"?

Are you SURE you still don't see the problem?

But if you're going to run a list on the basis of "guilty until proven innocent", you'll save yourself a lot of time by just including whatever does meet your standards, and assuming all the rest does not.

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hahah funny guy :lol: I love you :P

The list is there and everyone have the freedom to decide to take it into consideration or not.

The users of bittorrent programs are not so much; the users who will read the list before buy a router are few; the users who will take the list into consideration and don't buy a router listed there ~ 10. Users who will not buy a good router, because he is listed there < 1. That is why they are with different colors; everyone can see which routers listed there are 100% tested coming from azureus and utorrent site and which are 50% sure that are bad.

Why don't you buy my router and connect it on you "good" network, made tests and then tell me that I have good router and the problem is in a bad network?

Edited by dimchopicha2003 (see edit history)
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my modem is a sb4200... i too been using bitcomet for a while.. but i've always downloaded one torrent a time.. but then i started downloading two.. then my modem suddenly reseted by itself.. at first i thought it was a provider issue.. cuz i reseted both my pc and modem... but my modem gave me a no signal light.. then i left the modem on for the rest of the night, and the next morning i got up.. i saw that i had regain signal again.. but when i turned on my pc.. i had no internet.. so i tried reseting the modem.. i got internet. i've had this modem for the past 5 months.. it never gave me problems. until last week. i know now its not only with bitcomet.. now i download files directly from websites.. and suddenly its stops.. its stops receiving internet. i thought it was my pc. so i formatted my pc. and still it has the same problem. now i know its my modem. but it never gave me any trouble. unfortunatly, i already reported getting disconnected from internet every 30 minutes to the company, so they'll be coming tomorrow to see whats up. cuz they say the modem seems fine from where there at.. they think its my pc. so that took me to format it. but still the same problem. and seeing all the other posts, i'm not the only one with getting disconnected. and now, not even with the program opened i still lose internet connection. i have to reset the modem every 30 minutes..

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Sorry, but I get paid for troubleshooting networks. I'm not interested in diagnosing someone else's for free.

If no one will ever pay attention to the list, why bother to maintain it? That hardly makes sense.

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