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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

can not connect to server


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You can't connect to the server because all the Comet servers are being moved which translates in down times for every one of them.

But that's not related to the fact that your tasks have disappeared.

The server BC connects to is a server which logs your uploading statistics and retains your ranking. Depending on that it may grant you access to a certain number of supplementary LT-Seeds besides the 40 you may access if you are not logged in.

Other than that is has no bearing on your client's performance as a BitTorrent client. In fact you may never log in or even create an account and you will be able to use BC perfectly fine, just like any other BitTorrent client.

As for your disappeared tasks, look at this FAQ topic for some answers to start with.

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Vladbr, as you had previously already asked this question here (a mere 20 minutes before), I am closing this thread, so as to not overburden the Staff unnecessarily.

As Vasy has said, duplicating a question will not get you faster solutions - it will, however, irritate the Staff.

Please do not duplicate posts, in multiple forums - once is sufficient.

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