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i changed versione but now cant finde priority settings...

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usualy i use btcomet version 0.62 verey easy and faster.Usualy i set download priority high.On a few hours i got btcomet 0.85 because during a download i got nessage to upgrade my client but...i cant finde the way to set priority on the downloading file!

How i can sort out this trouble?Can u tell me if there are new versions of btcomet that have the priority setting interface how the btcomet 062?

Thank's in advance helping me



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Both of the versions you mention are over 5years old. I suggest you install the latest version, it's functions are well documented both in the gui and at wiki.bitcomet.com.

If you insist on using a very old and outdated version, then version .70 is probably what you should get. It's much like your .62 version, but won't support any of the advanced features the newer versions have.

You can get the latest stable version at bitcomet.com, or any previous version from our archives (see link in my signature).

ps. Changing priority of files within a torrent really isn't a good idea. If all files are set to "normal", then your entire torrent will download using the most efficient method possible. By altering these settings you could be forcing BitComet to ignore "available" pieces while it attempts to get pieces that aren't being shared at that time (so you get nothing), causing your overall download to be slower. However, if your downloading an entire season of television shows (for example), setting the first episode to higher priority will make bitcomet "attempt" to download it fastest, so you can begin watching while the others download, so some people enjoy this option, just be aware that excessive use of this option slows down not only yourself, but also effects the entire swarm's efficiency.

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Ok thanks!Yes i was olso "testing" last versione but olso thear i was not ablr to finde the option to set priority what is sure is that now i'm getting the file with 0.85 very slow was faster with tyhe 062 same file same seeds.

Neverminde but thanks replying me .

Take care



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You're not very clear what you mean by "priority". However, every version of BitComet will offer you 2 things:

1. Set priority for every file of the torrent by right-clicking on the file in the "Files" tab of the Detailed Info Pane.

2. Set the download order by choosing the Download order tab of the task properties dialog box.

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You're not very clear what you mean by "priority". However, every version of BitComet will offer you 2 things:

1. Set priority for every file of the torrent by right-clicking on the file in the "Files" tab of the Detailed Info Pane.

2. Set the download order by choosing the Download order tab of the task properties dialog box.

Sure is my bad English this are two shots one from 062 Bittorent the other from 085 Bittorrent so u can see the differents:




Ok as u can see where is pointing the ead harrw on the 062 version i have priority instead on the 085 i dont have anything,and with the same file!

Take care



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That's what I was explaining to you in the previous post.

At some point (probably before v.0.85) the dev team thought that it would be better if there was the possibility to set a different priority for each file of a task.

Therefore, you now have to click on the Files tab and right-click in there on any of the torrent's file in order to set the priority for them.

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That's what I was explaining to you in the previous post.

At some point (probably before v.0.85) the dev team thought that it would be better if there was the possibility to set a different priority for each file of a task.

Therefore, you now have to click on the Files tab and right-click in there on any of the torrent's file in order to set the priority for them.

Ok on 0,85 olso if i go on the Propety option of the file theris not any option to set priority if u are sure about what u wrote me tell me please exately were i can finde the option.

If u whant i will post u olso the pic of alòl options i have going oh Property of the torrents files.

Take care



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That function (download order) was introduced in v.0.91 (33 versions ago) so it is not available in v.0.85 if you insist on using that.

I was referring to all the recent versions of BitComet (released in the last couple of years).

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The option to set the relative priority of torrents (as opposed to individual files within a torrent) was removed.

Since the actual priority that you experience is determined by the swarms of each torrent, I can see why that option was thought to be useless. I certainly never saw it work effectively.

If you think about how such a feature would actually work, in terms of your client and its peers working on two different torrents, it really doesn't make much sense.

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