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uploading of videos from an url


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in some of image hosting sites there is a "upload from url" function that give the permission to users transfer an image from another online service :



now i am looking for a hosting service that enable me to do the same work with videos ...

for example transfer an video from youtube to it ?

can you guide me on it or suggest such online services ?

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Youtube IS such a service, its purpose being to host videos, so I'm not getting what you are trying to do. Why do you need one video hosting service to upload to another video hosting service?

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Youtube IS such a service, its purpose being to host videos, so I'm not getting what you are trying to do. Why do you need one video hosting service to upload to another video hosting service?

honestly i am going to bypass some of youtube videos that blocked for me , by this technique ... if i can upload those videos to another server !

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Hmm. Have you determined whether using one of the (many!) free international proxies will do what you want? (Not that you've told us what that is.) They're very useful for getting around blocks.

If not, the PhotoBucket also hosts video, not just images. There are others, such as vidilife.com, but they're not as popular as YouTube.

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Hmm. Have you determined whether using one of the (many!) free international proxies will do what you want? (Not that you've told us what that is.) They're very useful for getting around blocks.

If not, the PhotoBucket also hosts video, not just images. There are others, such as vidilife.com, but they're not as popular as YouTube.

unfortunately a lots of international proxies are blocked themselves too ! unless those are omission ...

anyway if you know some good proxies let me try ? (or pm them to me)

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I have no way of knowing or finding out what's blocked for you, unfortunately. But if you simply search for free proxies you should find many, which you can then try one by one. I don't know of an easier way to do this if you don't know anyone who can tell you of an unblocked one.

There are many free video hosting sites too, so you should likewise be able to find an unblocked one with a similar method.

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Proxy.org is a free proxy search site. They list thousands of free proxies and can connect you to random ones until you find one that works. However, it's very likely that proxy.org is blocked if your in an area that uses strong censorship.

If you want a perm solution to avoid censorship, then look into getting a VPN service. They usually aren't free, but it will open the entire internet up to people behind countries that restrict content.

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