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Remote download interface


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I don't understand how all technical info is related to my question, since I was just asking is this layout normal or not. Anyway...

1) Always latest stable release.

2) 12 Mbit cable.

3) Router TP-Link, no port forwarding.

4) No, I don't have extra router.

5) Windows 7, no firewall, no antivirus.

6) Not related.

7) Not related

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Ask yourself who uses it.

Ask yourself what hardware they use it on.

It's a minimal, stripped-down interface that works well with the minimal, stripped-down browser on a cell phone or PDA.

So yes, it can be industrially efficient and have very little use or regard for prettiness.

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As I said in the very beginning, such interface is NOT normal nowadays. Look at the GUI of uTorrent - it's clean and pretty.

If anyone want to use this ugly "minimal, stripped-down interface that works well with the minimal, stripped-down browser on a cell phone or PDA" - good with them.

But at least give us an option to play with CSS file or make our own web GUIs.

Small demand is not an excuse to such a rip-off.

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