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This is simple. All computers on a network are recognized by a unique IP address, and since your operating a LAN (local area network), you have two networks, the internet, and your LAN. Your router supplies IP addresses to each computer connected to it, those are your LAN or internal ip addresses. Most are something like 192.168.0.x. Your WAN, or external/internet IP address is assigned by your ISP. That is what every computer on the internet sees you as, but since you use a router, all connections go to your router, not direct to your computer, which is why you need to have the router set to forward all connections that use your specific port number to the computer thats operating bitcomet.

If you want to confirm that the correct WAN IP is showing in bitcomet, go to canyouseeme.org, its a port testing tool and it will show the IP your using.

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I have done the port forwarding as best as I can tell and it is still blocked. I have a Motorola DSL Modem with AT & T, Windows 7 32 bit, Netgear WNDR3700 router. I have forwarded port 60017 and run the netstat -a and it does not show in the list. I have set up a static ip address for the computer and everything is working fine, but the listen port...I do not know what else to try and change.

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Ok, it would have been helpful to know this was a blocked port issue, not a simple inquiry about the difference between WAN and LAN ip address. Might have been able to save you some time.

First thing we need to figure out is if your being blocked by your router, or by some software on your computer. Since your router is a separate device, can you please connect your computer directly to your modem and see if your port is still blocked. If it is, then we will know that there is a firewall or other security software installed on your computer that is causing the problem. If it is not, then something is wrong in your router settings.

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That is, unless his modem is a router itself.

You say your modem is a "Motorola DSL", as if Motorola since the inception of xDSL modems has produced only a single model and everyone around the globe knows what you're talking about, down to the last integrated circuit, if you're saying "Motorola DSL modem". :rolleyes:

If netstat doesn't show your listening port it means BitComet isn't started.

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Ok, please provide the model of your modem so we can determine if it is also a router.

Second, are you using any software security programs, or network management programs? Anything by Nvidia (other then video drivers)?

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Since Motorola has made something on the order of a hundred different models of modem, counting current and discontinued items, it's really not possible to provide you with much help unless you can identify the model. You should have obtained a manual when you got the modem, which identifies it.

But without some sort of identification, there's not much we can do. I can only suggest that you replace the modem with another which you can identify and have or can obtain a manual for. It's critical to be able to identify your hardware for situations like this one.

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Nvidia used to ship (perhaps still does), their firewall and network address manager with their video products. They both serve no function that windows cannot do better with out them. The only thing they do efficiently, is prevent use of any p2p technology, so should be removed.

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It's impossible that the product doesn't have at least a FCC code or a serial on the tag on its back.

If you really can't find it then hook your PC directly at your modem and type ipconfig at the command prompt. If you have a private IP it means that your modem is a router. If you have a public IP then it's a simple modem.

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Regarding what Wiz said, if you go to canyouseeme.org, it will show your WAN IP address, if the modem is NOT also a router, then the "ipconfig" will show that same IP. A private IP will usually start with 192.168.x.x or sometimes 10.10.x.x.

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please help me too, my listen port still blocked despite changes i made in my router settings and my fire wall is off and have read many forum regarding this matter, my avast 5 free antivirus doesnt seem to block bitcomet but then, it is still blocked... why is that so?! my router model is ZTE MF612, Firewall off,...

i did all the necessary changes but still... sigh please email me at *emial removed by staff*

if you have solutions to this problem

Edit by staff: Besides interrupting in the middle of another members topic, you've provided no useful information to actual help you. All you have done is to provide an email address for all the "spambots" to capture and add you to lists to receive unsolicited email.

I'll remove your email as a favor this time, but please think before you post next time.

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hook your PC directly at your modem and type ipconfig at the command prompt. If you have a private IP it means that your modem is a router. If you have a public IP then it's a simple modem.

Public IP=WAN IP

If "ipconfig" shows your public IP when you do this, then the modem is NOT a router, so should not be a problem.

As for Nvidia, you would have had to install their Network address manager or firewall. You can look in your add and remove programs and see if they are listed, but keep in mind that I only listed a couple programs, out of thousands of possible programs that can block ports. Its your responsibility to know whats installed on your computer and you can't expect a random guess by one of our staff to be your solution. It would also help if you would fully follow a testing proceedure your given. Checking your IP address at canyouseeme.org is meaningless since you didn't run the ipconfig as you were asked to.

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