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how to stop bitcomet from hask checking everything upon startup

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with newer versions of bitcomet, it wants to hash check everything im downloading every time the program starts up. i HATE this. sometimes by stopping it ans starting it again, it skips it, but not every time. how can i stop it from hash checking every time i turn it on. it drives me insane and is unnecessary. ive gone thru all the settings, and cant find anything related to it.

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This is usually due to a bad shutdown such as a system crash or just closing the program window. If BitComet doesn't go through an orderly shutdown, it doesn't know what state its tasks are in and must do the hash-check in order to find out.

Let the system do the shutdown if you're turning things off or rebooting. If you're just stopping BitComet for some reason, use the exit button.

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i do regular shut downs. thing is, this occurs on 2 of my computrers. im not someone who just unplugs it when i want to turn it off. i let windows do its natural shutdown. and the % that shows up if i cancel the check if usually identical to what comes up after. should i specifically shut off bitcomet before shutting down? il try that i guess.

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It certainly shouldn't be necessary, and normally isn't. Something else must be going on. You may want to use Process Explorer to see whether you've got two instances of BitComet running.

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windows won't usually wait for programs to fully shut down, if your system is low on resources it could take a while to shut everything down, so I'd recommend always shutting down bitcomet before shutting down windows.If this solves the problem, then you'll know for sure that windows was forcing bitcomet to shutdown before it completed an orderly shutdown.

Also if you have an unusual number of tasks running it may require longer then windows allows even if you're not low on resources.

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Yep, TUUS is right.

I used to run at some time several hundred seeding tasks and Windows NEVER waited until BC finished its shutdown before killing it. So, to be on the safe side you should probably do what TUUS advises.

If that still doesn't fix it, there are also some options regarding hash-check on the Advanced page of Options, in BitComet. There you may fine-tune the hash-check behavior of BC.

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