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having trouble with port forwarding/listen port

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For the life of me I can't get my listen port green. I went through the guides for setting up port forwarding on my router, and got that done (including setting up a static ip address for my computer), and I opened the port in my windows firewall. However it's still yellow. I tried the custom port prob on GRC's website, and it shows the port status as stealth.

I am using v1.34 of Bitcomet (64-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), comcast cable internet, an Arris TM502G cable model, a Netgear WRG164 v9 router, AVG Free 2012, and the only firewall (that I know of at least) is the windows firewall.

Any help would be apprecitated, thanks.

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Do your testing with www.canyouseeme.org to avoid the inverted logic of most sites like GRC's.

Temporarily take your router out of the loop (remembering to reconfigure your computer's network settings) and test your listen port. If it's still closed then you know you have another firewall somewhere, blocking the port. It is almost certainly a software firewall running on your computer that you don't know about. You will need to find it using Process Explorer and Google.

If the port is open with the router removed, then you know you haven't correctly configured your router.

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Ok, I tried www.canyouseeme.org, and it of course still said it could not see me on that port. So I tried bypassing the router, checked again, and still couldn't see me. So it sounds like there is another firewall (assuming that I opened the port right in the windows firewall, I just followed the ruiles in the windows help, seemed super simple). How do I go about finding it?

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since this is a voice over IP system and a modem combined, it probably has you behind NAT, you'll know if your LAN and WAN IPs are different, in which case you'd have to properly configure the modem. If they are the same, then you likely have some software firewall or security suite blocking your port.

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Basically, you play "Find the Firewall", using Process Manager's process list and google to determine what every running process on your computer actually does.

Tedious, but the upside is that you usually discover a lot of garbage that you don't want, slowing you down and eating resources, along the way.

I am fairly sure that model of Arris doesn't include a router, but it is worth checking first. With your router out of the loop and you able to internet normally, run the DOS command, "IPCONFIG" and look at your IPv4 address.

If it's in the range of 10.xxx.xxx.xxx or 192.168.xxx.xxx then you have another issue to work out. I don't think you will be, but it's good to check.

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The easiest way to make your listen port always green is

1. enter your netgear settings with the gateway ip - usually something like or 254

2. use admin admin if you havent changed defaults to log in

3. go to the administration section and select firewall

4. enter the listening port number into the section in the center and click the allow box

5. click apply

6. log out of the router

7. re open bit comet or what ever torrent tool you have and voila

I had the same issue with a cicso router and now have no problems, it actually sped up my downloads because my router doesnt have to constantly monitor the port

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