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your listen port is blocked


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You need to set up your router to hold the port open. The best way to achievew this is to set a fixed IP address for the computer and then set a port number in port forwarding that matches the IP on the computer and the port number.

Say, for the sake of argument, your router IP number is, you need to set network properties, TCP/IP v4 to a number in the same series - say (the last number isn't critical- anything between 2 and 255). Open the router, set port forwarding to that address and the port number matching the one in bitcomet properties

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I don't have any experience with an NDIS internet sharing device, but from a quick search it looks like a way to share internet from another device, so in order to have a full bidirectional connection, it needs to receive remote connection attempts and they have to find their way to your computer. You are going to have to research your connection to see if this is possible, and if this is a connection where you are using a mobile device or phone as a hotspot, then it's probably not possible as I've never seen any type of cellular connection that allows incomming connection attempts. If that's the case you would need to get a full internet connection.

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