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BitComet Member Score Problem.


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I have not properly charged BitComet Member points for almost a year. I have the Generalissimo title. I'm uploading a lot, but instead of 120 points a day I get 20. What is the problem? Is this system no longer working?

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It's been doing that dor ages now - but it's not always 20 points (sometimes you get more - anthing from 22 to 120)

My own 'ranking' has been floating up and down between 4500 and 4600 for a very long time now - when it gets close to 4500, scoring drops - when it gets close to 4600, scoring increases. There's a conspiracy out there to stop me getting a higher rank LOL.

Seriously, it's just a bit of fun (you can't trade points in for beer). It seems to be a bug on the database in the server (it started when they had to rebuild the database last year)

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What you have written coincides with my observations. In that case, there is no hope that something will change. It's a pity, I need 10k points to Sovereign title. On the other hand, why build such a system to torpedo it later?
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Dzien dobry tlab

It dates back to a massive server crash some time ago. At that time the database was changed, along with the scoring website (which no longer gives the daily scores).

As I said, to me it's just a bit of fun. Theoretically I can access a LOT of Long Term Seeds - in practice I don't think I've ever seen more than a dozen or so.

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