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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

misleading win32 lodi

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se que este tema ha salido en los forum en inglés. pero no he acabado entendiendo del todo

después de actualizar el bitcomet o volver a puntos de restauración anteriores, a la que conecto BitComet, me detecta ese virus y no puedo continuar

habeis podido dar alguna solucion?

muchas gracias y saludos



I know that this issue has cropped up in the English forum, but have not been able to understand it completely.

After upgrading BitComet or returning to previous restore points, as soon as I connect BitComet, that virus is detected and I cannot continue.

Have you been able to offer a solution?

Thank you very much and regards

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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Apague el antivirus, descargue e instale. No instale los programas opcionales, active el antivirus

Turn off antivirus, download and install. Do not install the optional programs, turn antivirus on

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