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DHT bypasses tor


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What is DHT doing that allows people to find my ip address when going through Tor? Why do DHT connections not go through the proxy like the tracker connections? A technical response would be fine. Thanks in advance for any reply.

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DHT is a trackerless protocol. Has nothing whatsoever to do with the tracker. It is also a UDP protocol only. TOR doesn't, IMSMR, reroute UDP traffic at all. You should also not be using TOR for P2P, the volunteer network can't take that kind of traffic, and it's grossly unfair to the providers. If too many people insist on doing this anyway, the providers will drop out and quit providing. I would, if a bunch of strange jerks started sucking down all my bandwidth. You would too.

DHT will not acknowledge proxies of any sort, so if anonymity is your biggest concern, don't use DHT.

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To add to this, if you want to hide your IP you shouldn't be using BitTorrent. Its just not possible and was designed that way to begin with since it was never ment to be used for illegal downloads. At the most you can use a proxy for Tracker communication only to cover your IP with a public tracker. But there peers will still see what you're downloading and log your IP.

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Thanks for the info, I rarely use tor with bittorrent. You would think Tor servers would read the packet header and block bittorrent traffic, but they don't. Of course encrypting the packet header would make that solution useless, but still, you would think they would try to block the bittorrent traffic they can see.

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as for using proxys with bit torrent, it will slow your download speed to a crawl...

If your want to limit who gets your ip address, the I suggest using a program like peer guardian (look up on google) or Block List Manager.


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Thanks for the info, I rarely use tor with bittorrent. You would think Tor servers would read the packet header and block bittorrent traffic, but they don't. Of course encrypting the packet header would make that solution useless, but still, you would think they would try to block the bittorrent traffic they can see.

That's not their job. TOR servers are hosted by people who are donating their own equipment & money (read bandwidth) to provide anonymous browsing and use with other programs that use minor amounts of bandwidth. Abusing their bandwidth will only make people take down their servers thus taking down the network. Unless you’d rather they just block all traffic other than http, which is what will probably happen if people continue to abuse the network.

If you want to protect your identity and use p2p you should use Peer Guardian with these three lists and only these lists: p2p, ads, & spyware. Don’t use bluetack’s lists as theirs are screwed up. You also don’t want to block edu ranges as that blocks people in dorms on high speed lans.

And last but not least you can use a proxy with bittorrent, but only use it for tracker communication as downloading through them will slow you to a crawl.

If you don’t like this use Ares or Emule.

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